
Which political poll is the most accurate, or are they all biased?

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Which political poll is the most accurate, or are they all biased?




  1. Political polls change as rapidly as the wind,

    so it really doesn't matter. Most people I know

    have never ever been called by pollsters, so

    maybe WHO they call is where the bias is.

    Fox News is the most reliable, however, so

    don't neglect watching their news.

  2. Please Don't rely on Fox biased all the way!

  3. Every poll is biased. The pollster asks the questions either in a way to get the answer he/she wants, or asks people who have the same beliefs of the pollster.

  4. I like to use the CNN poll of polls, they average all the polls together and give one number, not statistically valid because the margin for error for each poll varies, and there's no way to determine a standard deviation for population, but their guess is just as good as everybody else's, combined.

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