
Which potential first lady would represent the USA better?

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Which potential first lady would represent the USA better?




  1. Michelle would make a better First Lady, but I bet Cindy could throw a good keg party with all that free beer!

  2. MIchella Obama for sure

    Cindy McCain is just a rich white heiress.

  3. One who doesn't say that America is a 'downright mean country" in 2008 and says she has been proud of her country for the first time in her adult life (twice) only after her husband starts winning elections.

    I will also take the one who devotes her life to charity instead of the one who earns six figures and spend every sunday listening to a guy d**n the country that made her a success story.

    In other words, I'd choose Cindy McCain, who already has a reputation around the world for generosity and charity.

  4. As a side note, did you know that Laura Bush, Lynn Cheney, and Cindy McCain are all alumnae of the same sorority?

  5. michelle obama- she more real, honestly at first i thought she had a bad attitude but i see shes just real and doesnt make a fake beauty contestant smile like cindy mccain

  6. The one who didn't wait until her husband clinched the nomination for President to start being proud of her country.

  7. just cos cindy mccain is way hotter than michelle doesnt mean she'll represent the USA better.

  8. Michelle  

  9. I don't see First Ladies as having all that much clout. I certainly think that Nancy Reagan was less than successful in this role,particularly her bitchiness when she encountered the rather compassionate and graceful Raiza Gorbachev

  10. Cindy McCain she is a special ed teacher as well as someone who has dedicated her life to helping others all across the world.

  11. Michelle is much smarter !!!!!!!!

  12. Michelle Obama

    would be the worse first lady ever not because she's black but because she is racist

  13. Cindy McCain

    An angry woman like Michelle wouldnt be very classy

  14. Cindy McCain

    "Stand by your man"

  15. Michelle "Beautiful" Obama. Love her!

  16. Cindy McCain. Her family has a success story. It's what we all hope to achieve. She also has done a lot of humanitrian work on her own.

  17. Cindy really impressed me tonight. I learned alot I didnt know. I have been focusing on the candidates.

  18. So this question was not serious, right? Beautiful Intelligent Michelle Obama or the Stepford Wife hmmmmmm

  19. Cindy McCain- she travels the world on behalf of charity causes, she is dignigied, she is not an angry woman and she has class.

    Michelle Obama is a mean, angry woman that seems to be quite racist and I really don't know of any honorable causes she works for.

  20. Cindy McCain---she does a lot of relief aid in other countries and seems to have a giant heart. I don't know much about Michelle Obama---so i can't say. Both potential first ladies are hot though!

  21. They both have their plusses. I'd be happy with either.

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