
Which pranayam is better if you are down with viral fever?

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  1. I haven't heard of any breathing exercise that would help you when you have fever. I would say that slow deep breaths (like during meditation) would be most restful for your body.

  2. If you have a fever it is best to practice cooling pranayama. Therefore, Sheetali pranayama, otherwise known as the cooling breath can be utilized, because it has a cooling effect on the body as well as the mind. Sheetali also encourages the free flow of prana (vital energy) throughout the system, which is important for helping the body heal the illness causing the  fever. The main difficulty with Sheetali pranayama is the fact that the tongue must be rolled up at the sides to form a tube in which air is inhaled into the lungs. Some people are genetically unable to do so, but there is an alternative.

    The alternative breath to Sheetali is Seetkari pranayama (hissing breath). It has similar cooling characteristics and benefits, but the difference is that air is breathed in through slightly separated teeth (lips pull up exposing gums) instead of the folded tongue. Seetkari pranayama has the added advantage of being beneficial for the teeth and gums. Both sheetali and seetkari pranayamas are valid for working with a fever as per yoga therapy.

    In both of these pranayamas the air is inhaled slowly in a controlled manner into the mouth (either through the rolled tongue, or slightly separated teeth), mouth is then gently closed and air is exhaled slowly in a controlled manner out through the nose. If there is serious respiratory problems with the fever these pranayamas should be avoided. The same can be said for patients with low blood pressure and chronic constipation. In that case I would suggest lunar nostril breathing as an alternative. Place the right hand middle and index finger at the eyebrow center (ajna chakra kshetram point)  close the right nostril with the thumb and inhale and exhale slowly in a relaxed, controlled manner through the left nostril. Visualize a full cooling moon over a body of water. This has a cooling effect because it is working with ida nadi which is the feminine/Shakti, lunar nadi.

      Remember when there is a fever present you want to cool the body and mind. The body's immune system induces a fever to fight an infection or illness. You do not want to add any more heat into the equation. Therefore, cooling pranayamas help regulate the fever, and at the same time calm the nervous system, increasing prana helping the immune system do it's work on the infection. In essence we are working to restore a balanced state. When the fever is gone we can then move into nadi shodhana, alternate nostril breath, which is nourishing and will cultivate a harmonious flow of prana through ida and pingala nadis. Here we work at balancing the system that is out of balance due to illness.

    Practice of these asanas should be done in comfortable straight backed meditation postures, or straight back chair with legs 90 degrees and feet flat. Develop and maintain a relaxed attitude throughout. As always in yoga practice it is best to seek personal guidance from a reputable teacher. I hope this has been a helpful answer for your question!

    Hari Om Tat Sat

  3. crocin tablet is better gypsey girl, if u do ayamas then one will end up in shava asanam

  4. When you are down with viral fever, that proves your body immunisation system is fighting with the infection, and the result is fever. So I would not advise seetkari pranayam but suggest you  to practice Anulom-Vilom , Yogic breathing and Khechari

    Mudra (according to your capacity or you can perform intermittently). Khechari Mudra  strengthen the PRANA and reducesthe fatigue. This mudra rejuvinate in totality.

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