
Which president had the least experience? Most?

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So who had the least experience going in? Who had the most? Which was a better president?




  1. Experience doesn't mean too much.  Apparantly GWB had a lot of experience, but look where our country and economy are right now......

  2. I'm pretty sure Washington didn't have any experience in American Goverment.  

  3. Least experienced was probably Abe Lincoln, who had served eight years in the Illionis legislature and two years in the US House of Representatives.

    Most experienced was James Buchanan, who served in the Pennsylvania state legislature, in the U.S. House of Representatives, as ambassador to Russia, in the US Senate, as Secretary of State, and as Ambassador to England. Before becoming President, Buchanan was even offered a spot on the US Supreme Court but turned it down.

    Lincoln, of course, was far better than Buchanan.

    EDIT--After searching a bit more, there were some Presidents with less experience than Lincoln had.  Chester A. Arthur's main experience was collector for the Port of NY (and a few months as VP before Garfield was assassinated).  And Grover Cleveland was mayor of Buffalo and governor of NY briefly.  See the link below.

  4. Good question. From what I can find, Looks like Lincoln had the least experience.

    The site below has some good info.

  5. I would say Grover Cleveland had the most experience...because he was president for four years. Then came back 4 years later and was president again.

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