
Which president of the U.S would win in an all out brawl? (Includes Obama and McCain)?

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Here are the presidents:

1 George Washington (1789-97)

2 John Adams, 1797-1801 (Federalist)

3 Thomas Jefferson, 1801-9 (Democratic-Republican)

4 James Madison, 1809-17 (Democratic-Republican)

5 James Monroe, 1817-25 (Democratic-Republican)

6 John Quincy Adams, 1825-29 (Democratic-Republican)

7 Andrew Jackson, 1829-37 (Democrat)

8 Martin Van Buren, 1837-41 (Democrat)

9 William Henry Harrison, 1841 (Whig)

10 John Tyler, 1841-45 (Whig)

11 James Knox Polk, 1845-49 (Democrat)

12 Zachary Taylor, 1849-50 (Whig)

13 Millard Fillmore, 1850-53 (Whig)

14 Franklin Pierce, 1853-57 (Democrat)

15 James Buchanan, 1857-61 (Democrat)

16 Abraham Lincoln, 1861-65 (Republican)

17 Andrew Johnson, 1865-69 (Democrat/National Union)

18 Ulysses Simpson Grant, 1869-77 (Republican)

19 Rutherford Birchard Hayes, 1877-81 (Republican)

20 James Abram Garfield, 1881 (Republican)

21 Chester Alan Arthur, 1881-85 (Republican)

22 Grover Cleveland, 1885-89 (Democrat)

23 Benjamin Harrison, 1889-93 (Republican)

24 Grover Cleveland, 1893-97 (Democrat)

25 William McKinley, 1897-1901 (Republican)

26 Theodore Roosevelt, 1901-9 (Republican)

27 William Howard Taft, 1909-13 (Republican)

28 Woodrow Wilson, 1913-21 (Democrat)

29 Warren Gamaliel Harding, 1921-23 (Republican)

30 Calvin Coolidge, 1923-29 (Republican)

31 Herbert Clark Hoover, 1929-33 (Republican)

32 Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1933-45 (Democrat)

33 Harry S Truman, 1945-53 (Democrat)

34 Dwight David Eisenhower, 1953-61 (Republican)

35 John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 1961-63 (Democrat)

36 Lyndon Baines Johnson, 1963-69 (Democrat)

37 Richard Milhous Nixon, 1969-74 (Republican)

38 Gerald Rudolph Ford Jr , 1974-77 (Republican)

39 James Earl Carter, 1977-81 (Democrat)

40 Ronald Wilson Reagan, 1981-89 (Republican)

41 George Herbert Walker Bush, 1989-1993 (Republican)

42 William Jefferson Clinton, 1993- 2001(Democrat)

43 George W. Bush, 2001- (Republican)

44 McCain/Obama

All out brawl, no alliances, just a fight to the death. Who would win and why.




  1. Nixon - he's mean and ugly and an ugly man has nothing to lose.

  2. Ike, why? Well I'll tell you why...he's cool, thats why.

  3. For me it would be a toss up between Andrew Jackson (who actually shot a man while in office and got into several brawls) and Teddy Roosevelt, universally known as a tough SOB.  Check the Wiki article on these guys.

    True bad asses.  Obviously Obama could take McCain because McCain is 72.  

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