
Which presidential candidate do you think is most popular with people who don't vote?

by Guest10896  |  earlier

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For example, Dole was very popular with people who eventually never voted. Does anyone fit this description this time around?




  1. Interesting question. In 1992 H.Ross Perot captured the attention and the votes of those who were "voluntarily disenfranchised" and hadn't voted in years. I met two of Perot's volunteers at his headquarters in Southern Nevada who were born in the U.S. were both senior citizens and had never voted in their lives. A lot of people who signed petitions to their various state election officials to get Perot's name on the ballot had to wait three days before signing those petitions. They had to be registered to vote first.

    There is some talk about Ron Paul appealing to that group of voluntarily disenfranchised as well. But, he has chosen to campaign for the nomination of the Republican Party instead of mounting an independent political campaign.

    Since less than half of eligible voters are registered to vote, there is no way for the various political pros to take their pulse. But, the candidate who can get them registered and to the polls to vote for electors pledged to that candidate could set the whole political world on its ear. You also have to keep in mind the "ticking bomb" of the Electoral College process. 36 states do not have "faithful elector" laws which bind their electors to vote for the slate that was picked by the people in the general election.

  2. Ron Paul

  3. The one that stands the greatest chance of not winning.

  4. obama

  5. Who cares who is popular with non voters?  

    Ultimately, they won't stand up and be counted.

  6. I think considering the current cast of presidential hopefuls this election cycle there will be many people not voting.

  7. I have no idea, but I know it's not Hillary Clinton.

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