
Which presidential candidate most likely to sign U.N. small arms ban,for citizen ownership?

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139 countrys have signed allready,and lost gun rights.




  1. Hillary

  2. hillary or any of the dems and guliani on the reps side

  3. I know more liberals voted to take away our rights, and disarm us,  it is a matter of time, depends on who is elected President in 09.  They have to disarm us, to be able to control us,  so we can not fight back, then they will  try and force feed us socialism.  I am not saying they can not take mine, but it will be over my dead body,  and  maybe several hundred of theirs.

  4. The socialist liberals would love to take our guns away but it will never happen, even if they could somehow manage to get a law passed. But to answer your question. All of the dem candidates, I believe, would sign it.

  5. Clinton but its not a bad thing not having the right to kill

  6. I was actually pondering this today.  It would take one h**l of a ginormous lobby to combat constitutionalists and the NRA.  It would take an enormous act of Congress to repeal "The Right To Bear Arms".  But lets play fantasy and pretend that happens, I think Obama, Clinton, and Edwards would all sign the ban.  I too would support it, but it won't happen.  I love our constitution, but time has proven that ammendments and repeals are necessary as the years go by.

    I have lived in countries where small arms are prohibited.  As a solo traveller I always felt safer there.  It's pretty sad to feel at risk in the Midwest just walking home from work.

  7. Senator Clinton

  8. Billary or O'Bummer. . . . . . .

    Actually, ANY of the Sozialist Demacracks!

  9. That's like saying which candidate is most likely to double taxes or to reinstate the draft.  It doesn't matter -who- is president, it ain't gonna happen in the US.  I would even favor it, but an invasion from Mars is more likely.

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