
Which presidential candidate will benefit the Native Americans?

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Which presidential candidate will benefit the Native Americans?




  1. Obama for sure.  

  2. Todd Palin's grandmother is Yup'ik.

  3. has any president ever really benefited the native american?  maybe johnson, he started vista, didn't he?

  4. Probably the McCain/Palin ticket.  Alaska has the highest Native American population in the union (16.4% according to the source below, compared with 9.5% for 2nd place New Mexico), and Palin's time in Alaska's capitol will give the administration at least one voice aware of the modern Native American struggles.

  5. Not to be completely offensive here, but you know what?  It's time that we looked at a candidate that would benefit ALL Americans ... not Native Americans.. and Latino Americans.. and Black Americans.. etc... I understand that you (or someone close to you) may have issues as a Native American. But I don't. And You probably don't have issues with White Americans either -- so you don't really care what the next President can do for White America, either. My point is, we need to get over this racial bar in America. Quit putting a name in front of it. You're an AMERICAN...  What can the next President do for you AND I? That's the real question....  

  6. To the person who talks about casinos and the Indian's getting theirs: Go to Pine Ridge in South Dakota home of Wounded Knee then talk to me.  Look at the poverty there thanks to the American government and tell me they get theirs.

  7. Actually McCain the Arizona state senator  (the state w/the highest percentage native american population) has been pretty horrendous to the native americans. Pushing them off their land so a coal mine could be built.

    Here is Obama's stance

    Here is the linke to a statement from Obama on the Indian Healthcare Improvement Act

    Hope that helps!

  8. Obama is the one they are most supporting....I don't think McCain has made any effort to talk about their issues or needs.

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