
Which presidential candidate would be better in dealing with Global Warming, Obama or McCain?

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  1. Um... how about Hillary Clinton....

  2. Obama

    McCain will be saddled with the rest of the Republicans viewpoint, no matter how sincere he is about the environment.

    Republican senators have thwarted any attempts to make real moves toward alternative energy, like solar and wind, and toward meaningful vehicle emission standards.  The gov't should be supporting and encouraging plug in hybrids and clean sustainable energy.

  3. Obama, no doubt about it.  He has a concrete plan to reduce US greenhouse gas emissions 80% by the year 2050.  McCain has no concrete plan.  He supports a carbon cap and trade system, which is a good first step, but clearly doesn't consider the issue as much of a priority as Obama.

    Additionally, McCain has a dismal record of missing important environmental votes in the Senate, which is a bad sign.  I think he talks the talk more than he walks the walk (or votes the vote) on environmental issues.

  4. Say what?

    McCain is a clone of the failed policies of Cheney, Bush, RIce Rumsfeld and Rove. So how can you even ask?

    Obama is a different person altogether -- but oh how I miss Dennis Kucinich..

  5. i'm going to go with option c:

    hillary clinton.

  6. They all have plans right now and that's good.  I'll need to wait until the general election to even see if it is an issue.  If they discuss it, I'll decide then.  If they don't, I'll vote for the Democrat because they typically are a little more environmentally friendly, although that may not mean they have best plan.  I really believe both parties compromising can find the best solution that causes the least pain for a majority of citizens.  That means they have to work together though.

    The congress actually makes laws so that is where the plans are coming from. Even if the President has one, he gives it to congress and they decide if changes are made.  Congress is going to change whatever plan is out there.  All the candidates know this.  If any candidate has an "it's my plan or nothing" attitude, I''ll vote for the other one. That attitude is just code for "don't worry boys, I'll veto everything."  It is not like we haven't seen that tactic before!

  7. You mean which one will cost the most American Jobs over a fairytale?  all of them

  8. Well, if they both actually acted in the ways that their political affiliation says they should act, then the outcomes would be thus:

    Obama would give federal money to green industries. (Big government liberal)

    McCain would take federal subsidies away from Non- green industries. (Free market conservative)

    However, modern republicans do not have a great record when it comes to actually standing for a real free market and most likely the corporate welfare would continue to flow out of Washington. So, in this cynics opinion, Obama would be the better of the two options.

  9. the it works...the govt makes a carbon trade plan...the industry moves to a country where there is no plan... we lose jobs..hmmmm

  10. Definitly Hillary Clinton but if I had to choose between those two I'd say Obama

  11. Neither. They both buy the hoax. But McCain is better for other reasons.

    Unstoppable Soalr Cycles

    Global Warming Facts:

    The Truth About Climate Change:

    Scientists Ignored:

    An Inconvenient Truth or Convenient Fiction? Part II:

  12. Donald Duck would be an improvement over the guy in charge at the moment, and a better public speaker.

  13. This belongs in the politics category, this has nothing to do with global warming,and has everything to do with your personal agenda.  This is why people have concluded global warming is political and this very question only adds fuel to fire.

  14. None of them know squat about the issue.

  15. We are in a period of global cooling.

    Why are you worried about global warming?

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