
Which presidential canidate has the strongest stance on climate control?

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Which presidential canidate has the strongest stance on climate control?




  1. Speakeas: RIDICULOUS !!!!

    Geothermal energy is one of the most expensive renewables, except where geysers and hot aquifers are available near the surface. Otherwise, there is a temperature profile on average of 0.1°C/m

    For large drillings, the cost is over $1000/m.

    Even at 2km depth, you have a temperature lower than 300°C. This is low enough to heat but you would not be able to have a high efficiency with regular steam turbines.

    Again then you need to use a more expensive process:

    - ORC (organic rankin cycle)

    - Kalina cycle

    The result is a very expensive electricity price.

    Then this electricity would be converted with a 60-70% efficiency to hydrogen which would be used with an efficiency of 60% in over-priced fuel cells.

    Even photovoltaic (25ct/kWh) generates power cheaper thane this Bush plan.

  2. President Bush.  WOOPs, he's not running again.

    Okay, whoever will continue Bush's progress in moving this nation to Geothermal-hydrogen energy.  I notice none of the Democrats supports this clean and cheap energy!  Not one word about it!

    (But seriously, we may use cleaner energy but there's no way we can control the climate.  That's a Socialist farce to trick us into carbon-taxing the US to death so China can pick up all our productivity.)


  4. obama.

  5. hillary. every time she opens her mouth her hot air raises the earth's temperature.

  6. If anyone knows, please let me know so I can vote against them

  7. Who cares. I'm more concerned about who has the strongest stance against turning our country into a socialists wet dream.

    Hands off my wallet, commies!

  8. i dont think anyone

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