
Which presidential canidate is planning to do something about global warming?

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Which one is? Or are any of them even planning to do something about it?




  1. Obama will do something about it by urging the Senate to ratify the Kyoto Protocol.

  2. Neither one (Obama-McBush-Hillary) will do anything about it. They all belong to the CRF.  The international elite manipulates GW to control societies.

    My 2 cents.

  3. What they can which is NOTHING.

    Extremist groups share a common perception about the world. They are anti-science, anti-technology, anti-trade, anti-globalization - not just free trade, but all trade.

    People who embrace extremist views and philosophies believe all large machines are inherently evil, and - worse - science is used to justify positions "that actually have nothing to do with science."

    These viewpoints are naive, including the oft-stated wish to return to a "Garden of Eden." How ironic, that these same people use cell phones, laptops and jet planes as the main tools of their trade.

  4. NONE

  5. So far no one has gone straight to the source with their answer.  I really hate to paraphrase something that was written or said just the way it was meant to be written or said.  

    All candidates are taking a somewhat conservative position on global climate change, one designed to help us gain the respect we've lost from the international community at large.  They talk a good talk, but there are inconsistencies that demonstrate that they may not  "get it," or they may get it, but pull back from the course of action they'd like to recommend but don't think they can sell.

    So to this degree, GW/GCC is a political issue, as some skeptics claim.  But bottom line, the issue is driven by science.  And once in office, if things start out on the right foot for our soon-to-be-new president, he or she can toughen it up, kick it up a notch.

    And this will mean that the President feels they can carry the issue.  It may mean pulling in some favors but it could well define a candidacy.  It may also mean a one-term presidency, as sometimes leadership in this day and age means you are punished at the poll for voting your conscience.

    So check out the candidates positions as posted on their sites.  This is a pivotal issue for the nominees, one less self-assured than discussing the economy, or war, or many topics on the table, because they been discussed at the national level before.

    The discourse has not been great during this administration.  With the next, I want nothing less than a bold candidate whose main ambition is to serve in the countries best interest and sets us on a course that we can be proud of for a change.

  6. Thankfully both major Candidates Obama and McCain have a plan but unfortunately Obama's plan is better than McCain's. This is too bad because I do not agree with other aspects of Obama's agenda. It seems every election is about voting in a compromising way as to mitigate the damage of a lesser evil.

  7. All of them.

    Obama and Hillary both have plans to reduce US greenhouse gas emissions 80% by the year 2050, which is the amount scientists recommend.

    McCain agrees it's a problem and supports a carbon cap and trade system to start reducing our emissions, but he doesn't have a very concrete plan like the Democrats do.

    Further details on the candidates' environmental positions at the link below.

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