
Which product should I use to help my nails grow faster?

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I'm debating between two products: The Sally Hansen Hard As Nails nail polish, or the Sally Hansen Nail Growth Miracle. I've already tried the Hard As Nails black polish, and it really did help my nails grow, but I'm not sure if the Growth Miracle works even better. Does it even work at all? Thanks guys [:




  1. Biotin pills make your hair&nails grow faster

    Answer mine?:;...

  2. I used both! This is what I did for about a month:

    1. Apply two coats of Sally Hansen Nail Growth Miracle.

    2. Once dried, apply one coat of Sally Hansen Hard As Nails.  

    3. The next day apply another coat of the top coat.

    4. The day after that, take off everything with CVS Strengthening Nail Polish Remover.

    5. repeat steps 1-4.

    I saw a difference within 3 days! the Nail Growth Miracle really is a miracle, and the Hard As Nails keeps my nails from breaking or chipping.

    Hope this helps! ^^

  3. My mom use to rub garlic on her nails because they were soft and britle and they became hard and started growing... She always bugs me to to it, the problem is I can't stand the smell

  4. I USE MIRACLE GROWTH.  IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    As a former 'nail bitter' this is the BEST StuFF EVER.  I lOVE IT!!  It's kind of expensive, depending on where you get it.  Also, if you polish your nails with a color afterward, your nails grow even faster.  You will see a difference in 3 days.  

  5. I've been using a Sally Hansen nail hardener ( ) and it seems to work really well for me (growing my nails, cause I tend to bite my nails).  I would recommend a nail hardener because as your nails get longer, they're more likely to break, so the nail hardener keeps them growing fast AND keep them healthy.

  6. its actually true if u rub macadamien nuts on ur nails they grow!!

  7. Nailtiques or Nail Tek, each has 4 different formulas for different types of nails.

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