
Which profession would liberate myself more? housewife or singer?

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Which profession would liberate myself more? housewife or singer?




  1. The truly liberated do as they wish; the rest and hang from a tree for all they care.

  2. yes find the answer inside yourself.

    Use a blunt spoon to dig it out, and when you find it pull it out (its like one of those chinese crackers).

    Or use the spoon to dig in to some ben and jerrys ice cream.

    One of these is a good idea, on uses for a spoon. Even a blunt one.

  3. Whichever one makes you happier.

  4. Can't you sing while you do the dishes?

  5. Depends on your own goals and talents. I would be horrible at trying to sing, and so far I'm not so great at being a house wife. (did ya know you can break a crook pot?)

    So its personal choice and strengths.

    Now days people even(gasp) do both.

  6. i think you have to find that answer inside yourself dear do wut you feel would make you  feel successful because being a house wive is probably more for your kids and husband more than you

  7. Both can be entrapping if you're not happy with yourself. Besides women often are both.  Home during the day, and taking the occasional gig from time to time...or take a few years off to raise kids, and then reviving the career once they're in school or they have left the nest...(the latter is is what I did)

  8. Which is likely to be more attainable?  Can you sing? (I realise this is not necessarily a requirement to be a professional singer these days, but I suppose even nowadays it might help).  Do you think anyone is likely to give you a job as a singer?

    As for being a housewife, do you have a man in mind who can afford to support you?  And (pretty rare these days I gather) actually wants you to stay at home?  Most men nowadays expect their wives to work and bring in money as well as taking care of most or all of the domestic responsibilities.  This is known as 'liberation'.

    Whether or not you can attain either of these things I do not know, and whether you would find either of them liberating I don't know either.  it really depends on your temperement and how you want to spend your life.

  9. Maybe both together?  It only takes about an hour a day, you know, to keep a house.  The majority of people work outside of their homes and they can vaccum and wash the dishes and stuff, too.

  10. That depends on which one you really want to do.

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