
Which program can I use in place of Windows ,which seems to be crawling with viruses and spy ware?

by  |  earlier

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CYBER_TA:---I didn't delete my last question, but I suspect you did.




  1. Mac OS X. Safer than windows based operating systems

  2. I think Linux will be the Best bet for you.

  3. It's only crawling with viruses and spyware because people use windows the most - think about it, if you're a hacker/virus programmer wouldn't you want your virus to infect the most computers? What better way than to attack the most popular OS? Believe me, as soon as windows stops being the most popular, mac or linux (whichever one becomes the next most used OS) will be crawling with viruses and spyware as well. And for those who might say macs are immune to spyware and viruses - think again

    more and more viruses have been developed for the mac since that article was made. So I hope this answer has made you more aware of the actual situation so you can stop trying to escape it - wherever you go, you will have viruses eventually. Deal with it - by being smart enough to not get infected in the first place!

    Edit: Ah, so I see... your feelings must've really been hurt when I exposed how stupid you were when it came to computers - that's the only explanation I can think of for you deleting the other question. Like the midget with the big shadow, you talk **** but when it comes down to it you can't back it up.

  4. Try a Linux distribution. Ubuntu is normally recommended for those new to Linux.

    Download a live CD image from:

    then burn it to a CD and boot from it. This allows you to try out Linux without having to install anything on your hard drive. If you like it, you can install it onto your hard drive alongside, or in place of, Windows.

  5. Mac OS X

    Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora, etc)

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