
Which programming language do I need to learn as beginner?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a university student. I study at economy field and I wanna start learning programming as well in order to apply it in that field. One of my friends recommended me to start with VB 6. And I started to learn it and have been learning for 2 weeks. It's really a bit hard for starters to learn programming. But I searched in net and founf out that VB 6 is useless now. Mostly recommended were C#, C++, and VB.NET. So please smb help me with the right chioce




  1. Sorry, but if you were finding Visual Basic too difficult, starting with Java, C# or C/C++ is definitely a terrible idea. Try starting with a scripting or markup language. Do you know the Windows/DOS command line? HTML,  JavaScript or PHP? If not, you really need to do so, as they are much better ways to learn the basics of programming (loops, conditions, logical structure) than a full programming language. It doesn't really matter if the language you learn is obsolete, or isn't what you eventually want to do. Learning the logic behind any form of programming is more important and beneficial than learning the specifics of a particular language.

  2. Those languages are very poor recommendations as a first language to a non programmer- they are too clunky and verbose to be effective; there is too much to get your head around alongside the concept of just programming. Even if you ignore the rest of this answer, definitely avoid C++ as a first language.

    I always recommend Python as the best 'first' language - it's a very useful language in its own right and it's light enough to be fairly easy to pick up.

    There's a nice tutorial for it here:

  3. VB 6 is not very practical for making programs anymore, but it is good for learning.

    A more practical approach would be to start with either C (not C# or C++, just C) or Java. C will teach you the fundamentals, and gives you a good idea of what goes on behind the scenes of most other programming languages. Java is a modern programming language, and one which is often used in professional environments. It is a great place to start learning Object Oriented Programming, which is the basis for most professional programming these days. Another great plus to Java is that there are MANY free development tools on the internet to download.

    No matter where you start, keep in mind that your first programs will likely be text-only command prompt style programs. They won't look like most of the programs you probably use these days, but you have to start somewhere!

    I've included some useful links below. Good Luck!

  4. Well its a ladder of steps if you want to learn these programming languages. First start with C++ it tackles the very basics of programming. Then try learning either VB.NET or C#. Also try to look for tutorial videos and books if you want to learn them quickly. Hope this helps..

  5. start with c, when you learn it move to c++, it will be enough.

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