
Which property owner should pay for removal of a tree situated on the property line?

by Guest33666  |  earlier

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Pine tree is beginning to lean, so one property owner has a greater interest in removing the tree than the other owner, but the tree is almost centered on the property line.




  1. As bear said, you should split the cost. But there may be municipal or state laws pertinent to this type of situation. A chat with someone at city hall might help. Next recourse would be a lawyer, who might charge more than the work is worth.

  2. if the property owners can't agree to go 50-50 then the one with the greater interest can pay if it is a priority for them

  3. First thing.... Talk to the neighbor... show him the the potencial hazzard..... Next thing dicuss the removal of the tree, ( Depending on the size ) get a chain saw and cut it down, split up the wood for camp fires if wanted!!! Clean up the area and have a beer!!!

    If all fails , be sure it is right on the line, check with county codes if near any high wires ... Electric Company might cut it down!!  Cut it down yourself, and you keep the wood, or just hire someone to do it ,,,, should only be like $100 to take it down!! Depending on the size!!!

  4. you should split the cost

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