Okay first off let me say, HD could possibly be very important to me however only if it's TRUE HD. I honestly don't know what true HD is though and am very confused by these cheap HD model cameras, I look at the prices and I know something isn't right when they are the same price as the older standard cameras like the XL2 and the DVX100B. I was very close to ordering the DVX100B I know people have used it for years its a great camera if you don't need HD.
But if i'm going to spend $2600, why not spend $500 more and get an HD model camera?
Are these HD cameras in the $3000-$4000 range true 24p? Or is the footage interlaced? We do a lot of greenscreen footage and interlaced is not an option.
I just don't see how HD could possibly be this cheap so can someone explain what i'm missing.
Thank you! Both the Sony V1U and A1U are looking tempting heh