
Which quadrant does 5 pi lie in?

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which quadrant is it in?




  1. Good question.

    Look at a protractor.

    90 degrees is straight up.

    180 deg is all the way across.

    A whole circle has 360 degrees.

    If you had a radian protractor it would be marked from 0 to 157 to 314 centi-radians.

    Just think of radians as being like degrees.

    A full circle has 628 centi-radians instead of the more familiar 360 degrees.

    Every time you swoosh around by 180 degrees or 314 crads you end up on the other side from where you started.

    An even number of 314 crad swoops puts you back where you started.

    An odd number puts you on the opposite side.

    So swoop 5 times and you end up between quadrants II and III on the negative x axis.

    Make up a sticker for your math book which says

    "I DIG TRIG"


    "What do you get when you cross an elephant with a rabbit?


    It will get you in the mood (or not) for more trig.

  2. i'ts on the x axis to the left of the origin  (negative values)

  3. it lies in between the 2nd and 3rd quadrant. it lies on the x-axis (negative side)

  4. Not in a quadrant. Betwen the second and third... it's at the 180 degree mark.

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