
Which quote do you like better for a sweet 16 invitation?

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okay these are my favorite quotes I have found but I can't decide between them. Tell me which ones you like the best. Give me at least 2 that you like the most. Thank you!!!!

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

Cherish yesterday Live today Dream Tomorrow

Live for the moments you can’t put into words.

Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you’ll die tomorrow




  1. I like "live long and prosper" by Mr. Spock.

    Other than that I'd go with choice #2.

  2. this one seems the best, but the cherish one is also beautiful.

    The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they much be felt with the heart.

  3. i like these two and think they are both good quotes for a sweet sixteen.

    Live for the moments you can’t put into words.

    Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you’ll die tomorrow

  4. I was 16 once and my favorarte saying was Being 16 is a dream age that lasts only a year but the memory of my sweet 16 birthday lasts a lifetime

  5. I like this quote the best:

    "The past cannot be changed the future is in your power."

    Up until 16 you've been young and crazy (and obviously still can be) but the future is something that you all need to start thinking about and if you want to strive to achieve something, you have time to do it.  At 16 you start to shape your dreams.

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