
Which race is superior? Black (african) or brown (S and SW Asian)?

by Guest62126  |  earlier

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Whites, yellows , oranges and reds preferred as respondents please




  1. I would think S/SW Asian since little to no technological advancement has came from Africa. Not a huge amount has come from that part of Asia either but at least they are not as stricken by disease and famine.  

  2. Both have good qualities and not so good qualities.

    Africans have great sense of music and joy. They are the best dancers and can fill up a huge group with the warmth of their personality. On the bad side they seem to be prone to corruption and terrible violence in their countries.

    Brown people can be very clever but often their physical condition seems not so good and sometimes their cleverness makes them sneaky and corrupt. They have very refined culture and classical music styles. The countries also have endemic corruption which prevents them developing properly.

    So both have strengths and weaknesses. Only individuals can be superior, not a whole race.

  3. Every races of human are all the same in equality.

  4. No such thing as a superior race.

  5. all races are created equal though may differ in some ways from the other

  6. None.  God turns out no inferior products.

  7. I would say blacks cause you guys have little ***** :oP

  8. Mr. Happy is superior to all of you. :/

  9. It's a tie (well, duuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!).

  10. i like blue people! (when light skinned people start choking and dieing!)

  11. Yellows, Oranges and Reds? When did these become racial classifications for people?  

  12. Do you know the word equality?

  13. dude your racist. and what is an orange and red race?

  14. superior

  15. clear people are superior. They do everything better, they are born better and therefore have better children and so on...when you meet one of these clear people, you can tell and will not have to ask. Is that clear enough for you.  

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