
Which race would be adan and eva?

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they always put them as whites, but where would be the other races?. I believe that adan was white and eva was black




  1. read the bible

    by the way, its adaM and evE

  2. Mitochondrial Eve (the mother of all living females)  lived in Africa some 140,000 years ago... thus she was black.  Adam, the father of all living males today, lived in Africa 60,000 years ago... that'd make him black too.  

    The human genome contains a ticking clock that in several genes creates one mutation every 10,000 yrs in some cases, & lessor periods of time in other genes.  By checking these mutations & comparing them to ethnic groups, we can trace human migration out of Africa, through the Mid East, then to Asia & Europe.

  3. Read the Bible, get the names right, and then ask questions.

  4. Race is human concept - it isn't relevant to your salvation.

    Likewise, those wanna-be Christians on this thread should go back to your source - your book doesn't explicitly state the race of your forebearers.

    Oh, and I'm pagan, sorta funny how I know this and you guys don't.

  5. Adan and Eva ?

    who the h**l are these people???

  6. You mean Adam and Eve?

    That's a good question though..I don't believe they were white or black..It's hard to say as they were the first people in the world.  They could have been green for all we know..

    I'm guessing a nice olive complexion as the Garden of Eden would have been somewhere in the Middle East.

  7. eva wasnt black. Dark pigmented skin was because the human body adapted to its enviorment.

  8. i think they were Jewish, if it's a story from the Bible.

  9. && what's you're logic in that

    white is the default race

    no one said A-D-A-M and E-V-E were really white

    who knows

  10. But if you read the Bible she was taken for his rib. To me they were the same color, either white or black. Why does it matter either way?

  11. Well, seeing as God is British, then they would be British. Common sense.

  12. From reshearch and a special I saw eva was of african desecent I don't know about adam.

  13. Good question. Now let me ask you one: where does the toothfairy live?

  14. no one will ever really know I believe God is of all colors . no one is left out .

  15. It doesn't matter what race Adam and Eve are.  It depend on where on this planet that our many generations live at.  The black, asian, or white race just didn't happen over night.  It took thousand of years for races to develop and migrate around the world.

  16. The "out of Africa" theory has modern humans evolving first in Africa, then leaving to spread throughout the world. Given the need for pigmentation to prevent skin damage from the sun, these first modern people were most likely black.

    DNA research suggest there was an actual "Eva." That all people can be related to a woman that lived 150,000 years ago. This is based on the "molecular clock" of mutation in the human DNA. In brief, human populations with the greatest genetic diversity would be the oldest. That's found in Africa. Since it's proposal the "African Eve" Theory has taken a number of hits, mainly on it's sample and on recent discoveries about DNA

    Other researchers suggest the male ancestor from whom we're descended  59,000 years ago. "The Khoisan people of South Africa, some with a hunter-gatherer tradition stretching back thousands of years, share most of the genetic traits that first arose when Adam hunted game and collected berries in his African Garden of Eden."

    Which makes "Eve" some 90,000 years older then "Adam." However, both would be from Africa.

    Skin pigmentation changes in populations depending on how much sun protection is needed and how much vitamin D you need. Lighter skin can process more vitamin D. Hence populations in higher latitudes, with less sunlight would have lighter skin while those closer to the equator would have darker skins.

  17. Adam and Eve were from New Jersey. They didn't know anything about New Jersey but they were from there and moved to the Garden of Eden when they were very small.

    I believe that Adam's father got a job transfer because he pissed off his boss who's grandfather owned the company.

    Adam and Eve lived in the "garden" until the real owner, a rich Mesopotamian trader in clothing goods, found out they were squatting on his river front property on which he planned to build a weekend cottage.

    Thew owner sent hired security to run Adam and Eve off the property; I believe they moved to a mobile home in the nearby community of...Nod!

    Do you have any other serious unanswered questions I can help with?

  18. both black, the last resort is the first humans were black, if you believe to evolution.

  19. I believe they were black because black was the first race in the world. The rest of the race mutated from black.

  20. If your referring to the Adam and Eve of bible stuff, well I think they must have been colourless =o

    and then after the flood all these coloured babies including Noah built an ark after they were on then off the boat, the reds went to america, the whites went to europe, the yellows went to azn land, the olives went to africeaste and the blacks went to africa and the other colours just went wherever if they felt like it'd be more fun. and they all lived happilly ever after until they decided to start killing each other again.

    think of it as an inside out family reunion

    <3 laters

  21. They never existed of course. Is there an anthropologist who thinks the story of these two is nothing more than myth? Goodness.

  22. I believe that it's "Adam and Eve"

    ...and I also belive that's a bunch of bull.


  23. Adam & Eve originated as Eastern Semitic legends from the Mesopotamian area, before Hebrew-speaking people came to the Mediterranean Sea, appx. 5500-7000 years ago, probably from the modern-day country, Bahrain (Eden)...

  24. No matter what colour they were, they adapted and that's how we came to have so many different races.

    It's simple.

    If you stay out in the sun long enough, your skin will darken, right?

    Well Africa has a lot of sun, and guess who mainly inhabits Africa?

    Many other possibilities as well.

  25. yes one was probably white and the other black

  26. you're all wrong... adam and eve were purple with yellar and red stripes....

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