
Which reason may lead the world disoster. third world war or ecological dissoster?

by Guest66999  |  earlier

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if the answer is natural dissoster , which way it may happen.either earthquake, sunami, answer the question with this much of hint




  1. We could have both.  We are destroying our environment, and Bush is threatening to attack Iran.  I don't expect any natural disaster to wipe out humanity, but we may do away with ourselves by destroying the environment.  The upside is, we are starting to pay attention and take action.  We might just reverse the damage.

  2. We could have both. We are destroying our environment, and Bush is threatening to attack Iran. I don't expect any natural disaster to wipe out humanity, but we may do away with ourselves by destroying the environment. The upside is, we are starting to pay attention and take action. We might just reverse the damage.

  3. Our carelessness. I am the person issued the warning well before Tsunami attack our coast.No body shows interest to find the fact and possibility of my warning how it was possible when others failed.

  4. If I had to make a wager, I'd put my money on an undiscovered or mutated superbug that wipes us off the map

  5. one day we will have to face it.the most probablity is for shortage of water, food, global warming and glacier melting.

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