
Which region does global warming effect the most?

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Which region does global warming effect the most?




  1. Countries on the upper hemisphere.

  2. It affects all over the world, But mostly it affects the north region i.e. the ice region

  3. Polar regions will have the largest changes and are already showing the effects the Arctic had a record melt last year and is well on the way to large melt this years as well.

    The Antarctic is getting large snow falls, which deniers are trying to claim as proof this isn't happening, with out asking what is causing the snow fall, which is the seas all around Antarctica are warming causing the precipitation.

  4. It is a lie.!!! Just look at Gore that says the global Warming will destroy the world.. Does he live as though he believes .. No he just wants U to save the oil for him,U can walk who cares...

  5. I think it is referred to as "global" as to insist it affects the entire world but in different ways. This is so they can blame any natural weather pattern on man if the weather is a tad adverse then what people remember it to be like even 10 or 30 years ago.

    This is all a farce.

  6. Small pacific island places which are low lying, as they could be consumed if the sea level rises just a little. Sorry can't think of specific names, I think Tuvalu may have been one (it's highest point is a meagre 4.6m).

    Edit - These communities would be WIPED OUT, I think that would be sufficient to call "affected".

    Second to that, obviously poor nations would suffer most cos as the world falls deeper into a Depression their food aid would be cut off pretty quickly, which would result in OVERPOPULATION being slowed (one of the few perks of GW).

  7. The arctic regions will easily be most effected by global warming because they actually warm the fastest compared to anywhere else in the world.  Even a rise by a degree or two could cause a massive melt down of the polar ice caps, and in a worst case scenario would raise sea levels by 20 feet or more.  Obviously this would have a dramatic effect on low lying island nations.  

    However it is difficult to predict what effect global warming will have on other areas.  Many people assume that already dry and hot areas will just get drier and hotter.  However that may not always be the case.  There is a sister force to global warming called global dimming.  This force is caused by clouds which reflect a portion of the suns rays (thus causing a small decrease in the amount of solar energy to reach the surface).  These are human caused however because water (which normally condensates on a limited amount of dust and pollen in the air) condensates on airborn pollutants (like the black smoke released in car exhaust).  Because there is so much more dust and soot in the air for water molecules to attach too, their tends to be a lot of small light droplets (which would appear to be light wispy clouds) as opposed to fewer heavy droplets (which would appear as rain clouds).  Because of this areas that get a lot of rain could soon just get a lot of light clouds that bring no rain (leading to droughts) and places that get very little rain could soon be flooded.

  8. Initially arid regions where the ground is barely moist enough to support local farmers (such as much of Africa), where the slight increases in temperature will prevent the ground from holding moisture and crops from growing. Many people will starve. Then as the ice caps melt, low lying areas all over the world will flood, displacing billions.

  9. the warm is getting colder and the cold is getting warmer

  10. Region? In the middle east.

  11. The polar regions. North pole decreasing sea ice, south pole warmth causes more snow fall.

  12. Washington DC, as it's purely political.

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