
Which religion is the most extreme?

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I live an extreme lifestyle. The other day, while jumping my motorcycle over a mound of buning tires, I saw God. He kind of looked like Dr. Zoidberg from futurama, except he was a lot taller organic and powerful looking. He was really extreme, and it was like He could see me right down to who I really am. It was a really extreme experience.

I know now that I need to join a religion, but I need one that's really extremist to fit my extreme lifestyle. So which religions are the most extremist ones?




  1. Unitarians accept everyone with a positive belief. If you don't have one, they will hook you up with people who like what you like.

  2. The Aztec religion which required continuing and increasing human sacrifice.

  3. what a waste of talent.  

  4. why don't you try islam or scientology.

  5. Christianity- personally it's the only one that makes sense to me.

    Emotionally and physically, Jesus went through so much pain to 'cover' for our sins. He had never sinned in his life, making Him God's perfect Sacrifice so we are able to spend a life of eternity with Him. If He hadn't sent His son, no one would have any possibility of spending their life with Him. THATS PRETTY DARN EXTREME :)


  6. I would say fundy christians or the muslims.

  7. Scientology - there fees are EXTREME

  8. Extreme Religion...Hmmm. You can opt for Christian anarchy, join the Jesus Radicals.

  9. Christianity - the only religion with the extreme claim that God came to earth.

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