
Which religion or world philosophy would you rate as the most intolerant or most violent and why?

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I keep this question open for any form of religion also for non-religions.

You can even mention political systems like communism, democracy, socialism.

Give reasons please.




  1. "Muslim is probably the most horrific religion I know of, due to their violent outbursts on law and crime, for example; if someone is caught stealing (weather the law is correct, or not) then their hand shall be removed, and sliced off.

    If they get caught stealing again, they'll lose their other hand.

    Rape, is a death penalty."

    If you think Muslims are the only source for this form of punishment.  In the Bible the penalties were the exact same.  "Eye for an eye, life for a life."

    "Pagans kill their babies"

    Once again according to the Bible sacrifice of your first born child, and the best of your flock were common practice amongst the followers of God.  That is until God sent Jesus to be sacrificed, according to the Bible again.

    The religion that is most intolerable of other religions is Christianity.  If you listen to what is preached they preach intolerance.  (IE we are the only ones going to heaven all others are going to h**l.)  No matter what church you walk into it is your job to convert others to your congregation or faith. ( I have been to several different churches and this was the message.)  Several Christian religions shun those that leave their faith.  Many are taught not to search and ponder, just believe in what you are told.  At least when it comes to Muslims, and some other middle eastern backgrounds it is just the extremists that are getting a bad name.  With Christianity it is pushed on all the followers.

    As far as present governments go I would say it would be Communism. Then if you want to go into the past it would be n**i, and modern Neo-n**i groups.

  2. Islam-crashing into towers

    commuism- killing people just for speaking out

    Peagen religions- sacrificing their babies

    way at the bottom is christianity- it does have some things like the crusades which is violent but necessary the muslims took over the jews land and we simply tried to get it back


  3. Based on personal experience Southern Baptists are the most intolerant and the most violent. AGAIN-personal experience not saying ALL of them are. The Muslims I have known have been very kind, open minded and happy people.

    Based on what is in the news, Muslims are most intolerant and the most violent. And if it's on tv you know it must be true.

    haven't had enough coffee yet to elaborate

  4. none!..seriously..all religions call for peace....but humans are greedy...can't blame a whole religion for that!


  5. Swami Vivekananda’s first ever series of public lectures were the ones he delivered at the Parliament of Religions held in Chicago in 1893. All of these lectures, except the paper on Hinduism (now available in the archives), were extempore. As we read his words, we can feel their awesome power even today.


    Three religions now stand in the world which have come down to us from time prehistoric--Hinduism, Zoroastrianism and Judaism. They have all received tremendous shocks and all of them prove by their survival their internal strength. But while Judaism failed to absorb Christianity and was driven out of its place of birth by its all-conquering daughter, and a handful of Parsees is all that remains to tell the tale of their grand religion, sect after sect arose in India and seemed to shake the religion of the Vedas to its very foundations, but like the waters of the seashore in a tremendous earthquake it receded only for a while, only to return in an all-absorbing flood, a thousand times more vigorous, and when the tumult of the rush was over, these sects were all sucked in, absorbed, and assimilated into the immense body of the mother faith.

    From the high spiritual flights of the Vedanta philosophy, of which the latest discoveries of science seem like echoes, to the low ideas of idolatry with its multifarious mythology, the agnosticism of the Buddhists, and the atheism of the Jains, each and all have a place in the Hindu's religion. Where then, the question arises, where is the common center to which all these widely diverging radii converge? Where is the common basis upon which all these seemingly hopeless contradictions rest? And this is the question I shall attempt to answer.

    [The subsequent part of the paper takes up aspects of what Swamiji calls "the common basis" of Hinduism and describes them briefly. The topics covered include: the Vedas, creation, the true "Self", karma and reincarnation, image worship, the cause of bondage, the way to freedom, the unity of all existence, the harmony of religions, and the ideal of a universal religion.--ed.]

    The Vedas

    The Hindus have received their religion through revelation, the Vedas. They hold that the Vedas are without beginning and without end. It may sound ludicrous to this audience, how a book can be without beginning or end. But by the Vedas no books are meant. They mean the accumulated treasury of spiritual laws discovered by different persons in different times. Just as the law of gravitation existed before its discovery, and would exist if all humanity forgot it, so is it with the laws that govern the spiritual world. The moral, ethical, and spiritual relations between soul and soul and between individual spirits and the Father of all spirits, were there before their discovery, and would remain even if we forgot them.

    This month's reading is the text (taken down on the spot by a reporter of Chicago Inter Ocean) of Swami Vivekananda's address on September 20, 1893. Swami Vivekananda's address had not been pre-announced but, when requested, he agreed to speak. The earlier speaker had solemnly informed the audience that instead of spending hundreds of millions of dollars a year worshiping their ancestors, the Chinese people could instead embrace and support Christianity. Extracts from Swami Vivekananda's response were published in Barrow's World's Parliament and subsequently in the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, 1: 20.

    However, what we present here is a more complete text of his address: a combination of what is in the Complete Works, supplemented by what was published in Chicago Inter Ocean on September 21, 1893--and reprinted in Marie Louise Burke's Swami Vivekananda in the West: New Discoveries, 1: 123-126.

    Religion Not the Crying Need of India

    Christianity must always be ready for good criticism, and I think that you will hardly mind if I make a little criticism. Christian brethren of America, you are so fond of sending out missionaries to save the souls of heathens. I ask you: what have you done and are doing to save their bodies from starvation? In India, there are 300 million men and women living on an average of a little more than 50 cents a month. I have seen them living for years upon wild flowers. During the terrible famines, thousands died from hunger but the missionaries did nothing. They come and offer life but only on condition that the Hindus become Christians, abandoning the faith of their fathers and forefathers. Is it right? There are hundreds of asylums, but if the Muslims or the Hindus go there, they are kicked out. There are thousands of asylums erected by Hindus where anybody is received. There are hundreds of churches that have been erected with the assistance of the Hindus, but no Hindu temples for which a Christian has given a penny.

    Brethren of America, you erect churches all through India, but the crying evil in the East is not religion. They have religion enough, bu

  6. And first place goes to... Christianity!

    *places gold medal around Jesus' neck while the Heaven national anthem plays in the background*

  7. Issslaaaam. Who else murders people for drawing cartoons? (And we aren't talking about one nut with that attitude, we're talking about throngs)

  8. Well, the most intolerant is Islam, of course. If by intolerant you mean restrictive.

    Communism and socialism are very intolerant and that is simply because of the way those systems are governed.

    No religion is the most violent. People are violent and use religion as a tool to justify that violence and rally others to violence.

    There are, of course, pagan religions in many parts of the world such as in South America where the tribes or groups kill people from other tribes or groups just to scare the others of that tribe and as a warning.

  9. I dont like to insult religions and their followers

    the religion is not intolerant, maybe a follower a religion is intolerant and another follower of that religion is not

  10. When you have THREE Monotheistic religions, ALL with histories of extreme violence and intolerance of all other belief systems....the only way to really judge which is the MOST violent, and has the longest history of repression, is simply to read their Scriptures, and judge them against their  respective longevities.

    The horrors perpetrated by the followers of Yahweh in the Old Testament are only matched by the Christian Crusades, Inquisitions, Witch hunts, and  not quite matched  (yet) by Islamic fundamentalist terrorists.

    And Nazism,  while perpetrating its OWN horrors, was short lived and, the madman Hitler could not hold a candle to the insane god of the Old Testament who invented Slavery, Ethnic Cleansing, the slaughter of the Innocent, the repression of all other belief systems.

    The same would apply to Stalin, Pol Pot, and other 'short-lived' dictators.   Evil but finite.  (Compare this to the Christian god, whose tortures are not finite but INFINITE!!! ) What could the Evangelists have been thinking, to paint their god as such a relentlessly vindictive punisher?).

    When people believe in a god of war, destruction, violence and vengence, they cannot help endorsing violence and intolerance, themselves.  That is why SLAVERY, invented by the god of the Old Testament lasted right up to and thru the Civil War in the United States, and why it is still practiced in places were women and children are considered of no more value than the pagan women and children ordered slaughtered by Yahweh.  

    So, it seems to be a toss up between Judaism and Christianity for first place, with Islam bringing up the rear.....probably because they are the newest of the monotheist faiths with a SHORTER history of violence and repression.

    p.s. It is vastly amusing to see, self proclaimed, born-again Christians, trying to absolve their god from the sins of violence and intolerance by blaming it all on Roman Catholics...and stating THEY aren't really Christians.   They seem to forget the horrors preached and practiced by Luther (the rank anti-Semite), and Calvin (the bloody minded anti -Papist), and the depredations of Protestant leaders like Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, and  Oliver Cromwell!   Perfect examples of the pots calling the kettles BLACK!!!  

  11. Catholicism ...... the Inquisition.

  12. Monotheism  (in which I include all denominations of Christianity, Islam and Judaism, because the differences between them are so slight).

    The idea that there is exactly one God and everyone who does not believe in the same God that you do is unworthy, is one of the most pernicious ever to have occurred to a human being.

  13. Roman catholic in the days of Rome.

  14. Hi, Frank S:

    Well, the Pope started riots by giving his opinion on the most violent religion, which really proved his point, and he had to retract to stop that violence.

    However, without question, his religion has the worse track record as millions perished during the inquisitions, crusades, and destruction of "heretics."

    God knew this would happen and gives the answer in His holy book.  See : "The Rise, Decline, and Death of Islam as Predicted in the Bible"

    And the Bible code identifies The Abomination of Desolation at

    Shalom, peace in Jesus, Ben Yeshua

  15. Throughout history more people have been killed in the name of Christ than just about anything else. Christianity has always been spread by the sword..... Worship our god or die.

  16. I wouldn't really rate christianity as violent at all.

    Muslim is probably the most horrific religion I know of, due to their violent outbursts on law and crime, for example; if someone is caught stealing (weather the law is correct, or not) then their hand shall be removed, and sliced off.

    If they get caught stealing again, they'll lose their other hand.

    Rape, is a death penalty.

    They are probably the most immoral.

  17. islam  cos  of  9/11 , bomb blasts  (madrid,  london, india etc) and  their  holy  bk  ( which  incites  muslims  to kill infidels)

  18. There is good and bad in every culture and religion. There will always be cultural conflict as long as nature design stays the same. We don't advance otherwise. I think the Muslim indocterine is  particuaraly bad as, all the others are the enemy.

  19. none.and islam is the best and the only true religion.

    so stop talking **** about it.

  20. Nazism. I don't think I need to elaborate.

  21. Actually Christian, Jewish and Islamic religions all stem from the same pool of hatred and intollerance. There are many good people who follow these faiths today - but the fundamentalists from each of these groups are among the most frightened, evil and hate-filled cretins alive on this planet today.

  22. Any religion or system can be used to control the sheep if they are suckered in to it. The distorted use that a Manson or Hitler used could have been avoided if they had not put the faith in the man but in god and his word. What a better way to get recrutes than to feel better than someone else.  

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