
Which reptiles are the most enjoyable to have as pets?

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Lately I was really interested in getting a green iguana, but my friend says they can have really nasty attitudes.

I have such a huuuuge itnerests in reptiles and I still want to get one.. but which one will be the most friendly and easy to train? :)

The only thing I ask is that the reptiles you suggest be vegetarian. (No rodent feeding!)





  1. wow this is a hard one since most reptiles eat meat also...meaning crickets and worms..not always rodents.

    Bearded dragons very fun to watch have great personalities and are fairly easy to care for. they eat crickets worms veggies and fruit. and when they get big enough you can give them pinkies.

    Uromastyx also very fun..most are pretty active, very easy to tame they eat veggies crickets worms and seed.

    Leopard geckos are way cool too but they eat strictly crickets and worms...not veggie eaters.

    Hatian curly tailed lizards are very pretty but not likely to ever be "tame"..they are cricket and worm eaters too and sometimes will eat small amounts of fruit.

    Maybe you should think about a tortoise...a sulcatta makes a great pet..veggie and fruit eaters tame, fairly easy to care for..and a pet you can pass on to your! If you have any questions about the ones iv mentioned or pretty much any reptile feel free to email me.

  2. i recomend turtles or a inguana they are awseome

  3. iguanas are solitary most of the time. i would say a bearded dragon. they are so playful. but if you want it to love people, i would suggest getting a baby. a bearded dragons diet is mostly crickets but they do eat fruit (strawberries, bananas, peaches, all finely chopped) and veggies. plus they are fun to watch! especially when you feed them the crickets :)

    good luck!

    have fun choosing your reptile!

  4. Skinks small lizards there insectivores but very good pets

  5. you should get an iguana there really sweet if you take care of them right.

    P.S. some iguanas like bananas ours loves them.

  6. Uromatyx do not eat any meat (Animal/insect protein can cause gut and kidney problems for them) all they eat is veggies, beans and bird seed. But you MUST know what types of veggies are good for it first because many are bad for it. The smallest size for a Uro enclosure is 48''x24''x24'' which is about 130 gallons. Uromastyx are not very social to humans either. Maybe a reptile isnt the right thing for you

  7. An Albino Leopard Gecko they are easy to take care of and wont bite and have great attitudes and they eat 5crickets a day hope i helped bye!

  8. I have a bearded dragon. They are fantastic. she has a 3ft tank, she doesnt chew things in my house, she doesnt make a noise and she loves being handled, even by the kids. We got her when she was a baby and she is 1 now. They live for up to 12 years and they are so friendly. She loves to run around the house and up and down the stairs, she also like climbing up the She even sometimes sits on my laptop watching the screen. They are so entertaining and are ok to be left alone. We also give her regular baths and she loves it. I highly recommend these as pets. I want another one but haven't got room for the tank :(

    I feed mine crickets, locust, giant mealworms and veg, but as they get older, they prefer more veg than anythin.

  9. Iquanas need an entire room to itself. So if you have that much extra space in your house, it'll be fine. Otherwise don't get one.

    I don't know any vegetarian reptiles, but Bearded Dragons are probably the best reptile pets you can get. They don't need a big cage at all, they are very freindly and love to be handled, and they are not too active, but not too boing at the same time.

    They're great pets. They do eat crickets and veggies, no rodents though.

  10. I have heard Green Iguanas are quite hard to look after anyway as they have very specific requirements. An easy beginner reptile would be a leopard gecko, these are easy to tame and handle and do not require loads of equipment, humidifiers, lighting etc...

    They are not that pricey to buy either and they cant climb up walls or anything so there is less chance of escape, although they can be fairly quick and jumpy if they are not properly tame. They grow to a good size usually about 7 inches or so.

    The only downside is that you ask for a vegetarian reptile, Leepard geckos eat mainly crickets, but they can be fed on a staple diet of mealworms and the occasional waxworm if you are not keen on handling jumpy insects.

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