
Which requires more talent: Dancing, Singing, or Playing an Instrument?

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I think that playing an instrument does but then again, to be a good dancer also requires technique. I used to play piano when I was young & wish I could learn but I also have been trained as an operatic soprano (which has required a lot of technique) & that has def. required the same strenuous necessary recognition.

What do you think? Which is the most appreciated?




  1. I am a trained Alto/mezzo, And I play the a few instruments. I always knew how to sing. I could always just play. But to dance... that takes everything you have. The amount of expression, way more hours of training, and the stress to the body. Making each move completely seamless. I think it has a lot more variables and to me that would take a heck of a lot more talent. I have rhythm but I sure can't dance. You can't have any physical disabilities look at Itzhak Perlman.  

  2. I really think playing an instrument is more gifted than dancing and singing..Not many people do that.

  3. they all have there own unique qualities that sets them apart...

    dancing takes a tramendous amount of energy, willingness and so on ,but really...anybody can dance. So i do not think its up there with singing or instrument

    playing an instrument takes tramendous amount of time. a musician must be willing to put in practice hours, music theory, chords, concepts, everything. They have to build an ear for hearing things, the normal listener would not be able to tell the difference. I play over 5 different instruments and it is the most challenging thing i have ever done. So it is up there.

    but singing...I am a trained singer as well and i think we have the advantage of being the most talented.

    Just like a musician, we must build an ear for hearing pitches to tell if we are flat or sharp or right on. Memorization becomes an important devolopment. We learn to use our bodies more wisely, how to have breath control...something a normal person would not likely understand. It takes years of practice to become just even "listenable" You must be able to blend with others if your singing in a group, harmonize, something you must build...relative pitch.

    Nonetheless we're on stage more...unlike a musician, we don't have the ability to finger certain keys to get the note out...we must do it by ear on our own. Now that is amazing.

    so to answer this i think the singer takes more talent. There is so much more training to it than people think, and just wow the things you can do with a voice. lol

    so yeah..

  4. They all have their difficulties, but that does not make it harder or better than the other.

    It all depends on the person's own interest and innate abilities.

    One thing that they all have in common is that they have a beat.  

  5. all three of them combined! then u can be a rock star!

  6. Try playing guitar and singing at the same time. I do that, it's really hard. Dancing isn't that hard, I just can't do it. Instruments are hardest.

  7. I think they all require a lot of talent. I am more of an instrument person myself (I play drums mainly) and I would probably have to say I have the most respect for singers or musicians. I have respect for dancers, but not all of them are doing flips and spins. A lot of people only do dances at parties and what not, and that to me makes the music seem more artistic.

  8. I think they just require *different* talents, just as it is with the visual arts. Some are better at painting, and some at sculpture, while others still are like Michaelangelos when they use Photoshop or 3d rendering software. Same level of talent, different type. Each one might have different things to say about what their style demands, and may even assert that theirs requires the most talent. What they are most likely saying is that it demands the most of *their* talent.

    Of dancing, singing, or playing an instrument, I'd have to say the vocalist is most appreciated, with instrumentals second. Plenty of people know about famous dancers, but Freddy Mercury, Annie Lennox, Stephen Tyler, and Jimi Hendrix occupy a much bigger niche.

  9. Each has its own difficulties Dancing requires coordination, balance, and a hint of rythm. Singing is not as hard as  the other two but a good voice is something youre born with and can only be slightlty improved manually. Instruments can vary in difficulty and requirements but almost all require precision, rythm, and repitition.

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