
Which right is more important?

by Guest21352  |  earlier

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The right to parent or the right to adopt? Are they equivalent? Has adoption become about the right to adopt at whatever costs?




  1. I think a woman has a right to decide if relinquishment is right for her; i think PAPs have a right to explore all options available to them; i think infants have a right to a loving home from the get-go regardless if it is natural or adoptive; i think foster kids have a right to a loving home and protection from the state.

  2. My answer is the same as the one referring to the right to parent:

    It never occurred to me that being an aparent was a "right". All I know is that I was capable and desired to be a parent

  3. ummm.. no one has the "right" to adopt.

    They have the right to attempt to adopt....

  4. I must say that I disagree with alot of answers given on here.

    Everyone has the right to do something. Everyone has a right to parent and adopt and for me, it comes in the same catagory.

    Adoption isnt a bad thing unless there is money involved. Dirty money at that.

    People do become greedy, but it doesn make them love the child less.

  5.'s actually the right of the child to have a safe, two parent home with parents (adopted or not) who have the maturity,  financial and emotional ability to care for them.

  6. Children have the right to decent parenting.

    If that is unable to be provided by their biological mother or father, then they have a right to be parented by another capable person.

  7. 1) The right of the child to be raised by the family nature gave him.

    2) The rights of the parents nature chose for the child to parent their own child.

    I don't think anyone has the right to adopt.  Adopting is a privilege, period.

  8. The most important right is the right of the child to live in a safe, loving family.  If that occurs through a biological parent choosing to parent the child or an adoptive parent being given the opportunity to parent the child, the rights of the child are the most (or at least should be the most) important in any decision made.

  9. The right to parent any child is the real right..

    Just to adopt is not a real right, it is a choice.. Like having a baby is not a right it is a choice..

    Now both of these have real pros and cons for people.. I was thinking that if you choose to have children then you made a sound and great decision..

    However if you choose to adopt then you are making a selfless act to a child that other wise has no home to go to! That is a chance for a child to have a loving family..

    The other issue to me is should it be a RIGHT to allow g*y men and women from adopting? What is the real issue? Most families have all issues and what is it to a child to have a mom and dad, two mom's, or two dad's...

    The real key to a sucessful parent is love, trust, and loyaltiy to the child..

    So where is the right to be a parent or adopt? Both are a choice!!

  10. Being a parent is a privilege. I think there is no right involved.

  11. Neither is a right.  They are both desires.

  12. the right to GET NAKED!

  13. Questions like this disturb me.  Now don't misunderstand me,  I am not upset that you ask it- but what disturbs me is the fact that we think there should be a difference in the two.

    Every woman has a right to parent- absolutely- however when there is a right involved that also brings with it a responsibility- and the responsibility I see with parenting a child is "can the parents, provide a safe environment, can the parents afford to parent, etc- and when that answer is no- the the right to adopt kicks in.  For a couple, who cannot conceive- that does not negate their right to parent.  A couple who cannot have their own children- have just as much right as a woman who chooses to raise her own biological child.

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