
Which rock forms at the highest temperature, Andestie or Basalt?

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Which rock forms at the highest temperature, Andestie or Basalt?




  1. about the same... both are extrusive...

    although porhyritic andesite would be higher than either... its formed part intrusive, part extrusive....

  2. I would say Bah sault (basalt) as it tends to be a denser, less gaseous magmatic gel than its couterpart, andesite.  Basalt has less minerals involved or associated with its deposit, and is less chloritic.

    Now Andesite, tends to be more porous, and many miners and prospectors tend to check and test adjacent material and deposits for metallic ores that come in in association, based on fluids, vapors, and salts that are more likely to be found in the vicinity.

    Of the two types, Basalt tends to be encased and formed deep within the earth (100 miles deep), slowly cooling after deposition, while Andesite tends to be part of a blowout, that spills out onto the surface, following along stress lines/faults.  Again the denser material is likely the hotter, while the andesite is the lighter of the two, therefore the cooler.

  3. The higher the content of ferromagnesian minerals, the higher the density and in general the higher the temperature. Therefore, basalt forms at higher temperature than andesite.

    Texture has nothing to do with extrusive temperature.

    Watch your spelling...higher, not highest! Andesite not andestie!

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