
Which royal or noble family has precedence over the rest?

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Tradition and ancestry.

Any patrician origin?

I heard the House of Este




  1. bah, just a large pretentious inbred family.

  2. Yes, it is the House of Este. The House of Este was a family of Italian nobility, who held the title Duke of Modena. They are the ancestors of many royal houses.

    All British monarchs since George I of the United Kingdom have been descended from the House of Este. George's father, Ernst August, Elector of Hanover, was a member of the house of Welf, who are descended from the House of Este. As descendants of Queen Victoria, the royal families of Norway, Sweden, Spain (through the paternal grandmothers of the reigning kings), and Denmark (through the present queen's mother) are all descendants from the House of Este.

  3. Historically, some well known royals and nobles are the many pharaoh of Ancient Egypt and Babylon (particularly Hammurabi "Babylon", Ramses II, King Tut, Hatsephut, Cleopatra VII "Egyptian"), King Louis XIV, XV, XVI, and Marie Antoinette; many of the Kings and Queens of Britain, including the current one); Romanovs, Ivan the Great, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, etc.

    Currently the British and Monaco royal families are huge and the Swedish Royal Family is getting up there.

  4. Royal families are no different than any other people and are often made up of common folk anyway.

    They are indeed self stated Royals and are of no more importance than say a political party in stature, which changes at times. Their importance is something placed on them by local people in history. They are chosen and in their way worshiped as an authority figure at the times.

    Most of these lords and royals are nothing more than rich people, common whores with a celebrity status.

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