
Which runes are these?

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I have 5 runes symbols & I cant decipher what they are. Can anyone please help? Even the names will help.

1) Looks like a circle with a triangle below/above

2)Looks like a cross with a circle above/below

3) Like the number 2 in roman numerals (2capital i's joined), or an H with a double bar across it

4) Like a capital Y maybe on its side

5) Looks like a W?

Does anyone out there know about these? They may be the shapes as above but a different way round...

Hopes it all makes sense!!!




  1. I’m not sure what they are but they most definitely aren’t runes.

  2. Those aren't runes. THESE are runes:

    Those are astrological symobols. At least one is. I don't know about the others.

  3. If you have the images, email them to me and I will try to tell you what they are,

  4. I'm pretty sure that those are not runes, but astrological signs. Maybe some wiccan symbols or alchemical sigils.

    Don't know for sure. If I could see them, I would probably tell you more about them.

  5. This is all guesswork on my part...the 2 bottom symbols look like symbols for animals representing people using an Asian calender of some kind. the 2 directly above look astrological, Gemini on the left and Leo on the right. The top symbol reminds me of a divining rod so I'm thinking a divinity symbol. Cheers!  

  6. I'm pretty sure they are alchemical symbols.

  7. It doesn't sound like astrological signs or could be alchemical signs. Could you post a link to a photo?
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