
Which saddle would you choose?

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I was looking at this saddle

Both of these saddles are about the same price (in the Dover catalog, the circuit is 900) and I don't know which is better. Opinions please?

I jump.




  1. If you were go to you may be able to find a  better quality used saddle for cheaper, like a Stubben. And if you find one close to where you live you could even pick it up, so you save on shipping.


    I have ridden in a circuit and it wasnt majorly comfortable, and the color rubs off alot.

    Toulouses are comparable to tack at about 1000 more than thier price. the leather is better and there just nicer.

    Ive ridden in both, and just cant get over how great toulouses are.

    if my mum would let me, id sell my saddle and get one.

  3. Don't really see a huge difference.

  4. definatly the first one, the MT isn't as comfy nor is the tree as strong and durable which is what you want in a long lasting saddle.

  5. Of the two, I would go with the M. Toulouse. I think they are good saddles and are pretty comfy. They are really popular with my Pony Club as well and no one has had problems like the one mentioned. My only problem with the saddle was that it fit my TB horridly. The saddle hit his withers then hit his spine at a couple other points. The flaps also stuck way out off of his barrel. I had their narrowest size but it was still way to wide. I will say though that none of the saddles that typically fit TBs and TB shaped horses fit him correctly. Hes my weird accident prone baby...

    I don't know anything about the first saddle though.

    My favorite saddle of all if the HDR Show Jumping Pro. Its a really nicly made saddle and still looks good after 3 years of rough use (ocean water and everything). Its also comfy and relatively cheap. I think it is of the same quality as the $1000+ saddles. You might want to consider it.  

  6. do the dover, for sure.

  7. Marcel Toulouse, Dovers brand is okay, but I haven't heard good things about it. I have a HDR and really like it

  8. DOVER!!!!  pick the dover

  9. I would go with the dover. It looks more for jumping.  

  10. The dover saddle looks a lot better and seems more comfortable for you and the horse. The leather seems more durable and won't wear out as easily. It seems like a good jumping saddle also. It has a test ride too so you could try it out and if you don't like it you could take it back and get another one.

  11. Between the two, go for the Dover. A girl that moved into my barn had a Marcel Toulousse and it was AWFUL. It didn't put her in the right position and it bled all over her pants every time she rode. It also didn't fit most of our horses - it always slid forward. Needless to say, we made her get rid of it - she ended up getting a County Stabilizer- a little more expensive, but totally worth it. Best for the rider's position and the horse's back.

    For about the same price as the Dover or MT, you could get a nice Pessoa on ebay - They are far superior to both of these saddles. Designed to help the rider's jumping position and balance.

  12. The one in doversaddlery is much better.  Better fit, better build, better seat.  Why not check out the "test ride" program and see if you are eligible?  Good luck.

  13. You basically asked this same question (Now with an added saddle in addition to the first, so I'll post the SAME answer.  Remember the leather may come from FRANCE, but you do not know WHERE either of these saddles are manufactured!  India is typical for mass produced saddles nowadays.

    Looking at what the site says about the saddles, it stresses "French Leather" but doesn't tell you WHERE the saddle's manufactured, which is a scary question. Although it says "lifetime tree guarentee" it doesn't tell you what type of tree it's built on (That's scary too!).  The second saddle says it was "DESIGNED" by a master French saddler, but STILL is evasive about WHERE the saddle is made!

    If you're going to pay close to $1,100.00 plus shipping for it, I'd save up additional money and go with a REAL European saddle, say Stubben, Courbette, Passier or Pariani.

    Or, check out ebay! Chances are you can find a gently used saddle like the one below for a good price.

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