
Which sailboats are good for big waves?

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Which sailboats are good for big waves?




  1. I would also avoid the storms but they are saying that Flicka makes the best sailboats for crossing the oceans.

    well I would rather sail by the coast and in nice weather. if there's a storm, wait in the marina, or dock/anchor wherever is more peacefully.

    or have a submarine :]

  2. For really big waves, like 100 foot rogues, NONE!

    "Sailors Prayer"

    "Lord, please watch over me, as my ship is so small, and the ocean is so big. Amen."

    A good sailboat pilot will avoid areas where big waves are, as they are dangerous, cause damage, tear up the inside, and may sink the boat.



  3. the flicka is undoubtedly the best small sailboat in blue water,slightly larger a paceship[py26] or a cape dory would be my choice,generally,speaking the larger the boat the more comfortable it is in heavy weather,but not necessarily any safer!a smaller boat is usually more structurally sound than bigger ones,very large waves especially ones with short intervals are always terrifying!!a sailboat with a heavy ballast should upright itself in the case of a least i hope so.

  4. You cover a lot of ground with a question like that.

    this depends ultimately on the pilot. yep, if you are good, talented , patient, persistent and know your boat, any boat will do.

    if you aren't, no boat is safe, even in a slip.

    Big is also relative.  How big, 20'?  30' seas?  bigger?  

    where these waves are really important...a 20' sea in the bearing straits is as deadly as a hurricane off florida.

    For most of us coastal and limited offshore types, reading the weather is the most important skill.  Study meteorology more than sail handling and you'll be infinitely more sucessful sailing.

    forcasting the movement of high and low pressure systems will allow you to make the most of the potential winds and avoid the worst of them.


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