
Which scenario would concern you the most?

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Hypothetical situation. If you had to choose between one or the other, would you rather have 200,000 new Muslim immigrants in your country or 200,000 new atheist immigrants? Would you be concerned either way? If so....why?




  1. It wouldn't impact me either way. I believe that all people should be able to immigrate, regardless of religion, race, age, or creed.

  2. 200,000 new Muslim immigrants. Muslims are creationists.

  3. why not bring in both groups. they both have rights.

  4. I'm naturally going with Atheists, since we're already a big minority, more of us are a good thing.

    I would prefer Muslim over Christian, to be honest.  Diversity is good and the Muslim-Americans I personally know are swell, educated people.

  5. Why would the Muslims want to come to my country, when they have a country of their own.

    I don't feel threatened by atheists.

  6. I would choose the Atheists, they usually don't care what you believe and are happy to let you believe in "your imaginary God" It would also depend on whether the Muslims were fundamentalists ar not. I am happy to have anyone who who respects the rights of all to worship or not worship in their own way.

  7. i'd rather have athiests.

  8. Um, lets see...this is difficult....



  9. 200,000 new atheist immigrants.

  10. 200,000 new atheists would be outstanding, so you know where I stand.

  11. Atheists.

    I wouldn't be concerned if either came to the contry but I would prefer the atheists.

  12. I much prefer the atheists to a religion that discriminates against women.

  13. 200,000 Atheists, at least Atheists don't go around disturbing the peace or forcing people to convert. (that is if you lived in a muslim country)  And Atheists respect females.

  14. I'm biased...but I understand Muslims a lot better at least on a fundamental level than I do athiests. I wouldn't be concerned either way, though.  

  15. I wouldn't be concerned either way.

  16. Atheists. I'd be more concerned having Muslims. I'm not interested in living in a patriarchal society.

  17. No brainer. The latter

    I would assume, the atheists would bee a contribution in every way

  18. Atheists, I don't think they would resort to cutting off our heads to get us to convert.

  19. Atheists, but I'm a little biased.

  20. Atheists for sure.  

  21. It wouldn't matter to me their religious affiliation or lack there of, as long as the weren't stupid. That rules out some the Atheistic trolls here.

  22. My preference would be for the atheists, but, no, I wouldn't be "concerned" -- why would I?

    Given my druthers, I'd like to ship out the religious wing-nuts who keep trying to shove their myths down everyone else's throats.

    (And would someone please give me my druthers? It's just not fair for someone else to have MY druthers!)

  23. I'll take the Atheists..More cooler heads prevail with them I find...

    Besides, Muslims don't care for either groups. We are all kafir to them.

    Kitteh, you look like Yassir Arafat in that hat...

  24. I'd go with scenario B; the Atheists are more likely to see the light one day.

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