
Which sci-fi should I read next?

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I just picked up Foundation by Isaac Asimov and God Emperor of Dune by Frank Herbert. I've read the first 3 dune books already.




  1. I didn't really care for God Emperor of Dune but I thought the last two Frank Herbert did were pretty good and I like the ones done by his son and Kevin J. Anderson.

    I also am recommending to everyone Little Brother.

  2. Read the Enders' Game series!!!!! the best books I've ever read, and I have very high standards. You'll love them!

  3. William Gibson. Start with Neuromancer but once you read it you'll want to read everything else hes done.

  4. Read the rest of the Dune books.  

  5. The Chronicles of Amber by Roger Zelazny.  Really, anything by Roger Zelazny is good.  He does some fantasy stuff, some sci-fi stuff.  Amber is more fantasy, but if you just search his name you find a whole list of stuff that's science fiction.

  6. Well, I'd highly recommend the Watchmen graphic novel by Alan Moore. I just finished reading it, and I think it's one of the most amazing pieces of literature ever. The movie also looks like it's going to be the most faithful book-to-movie adaptation in history...  

  7. the first 3 are the good ones

    most are good

    i suggest you stay away from wheel of time series though

    (26 books and no end)

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