
Which science field should I major in with my interests?

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I am going for a A.S. degree for right now.

Here are my interests:

Biology - Because I find the single cell very interesting and would like to learn more about it and other things in biology, I also am interested in being a Paramedic and I think this field might help out in that.

Physics - I am very interested in how the world around us works and in space and planets and moons. I have also heard that studding in physics and physical science is a good base for any science.

So what do you think would be good for me to major in based on what you know about each subject?




  1. Obviously, biophysics comes to mind first.  I'm not sure where there are undergraduate programs in biophysics, but there are certainly a number available at the graduate school level.  I took a year of biophysics at NYU as a graduate student, and I loved it.

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