
Which scum will you want to elect president?

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The Straight-Talk Express” AKA “Tax-Evading-Criminal” Mccain:



Obama's policy prepare on Iraq is probably the most telling of all as he proposes shifting the focus from Iraq to Afghanistan and including Pakistan (it's still called war by the way),increasing troops, helicopters, intelligence gathering, and more non-military personnel along with maintaining a “residual force” in Iraq.

Obama's no friend of big oil, but he takes oil money.

He's no friend of corporate lobbyists but he takes their money too.

He's a friend of the environment but he supports and is supported by the biofuel and mining industries.

He talks tough against the Russians and Iran but at least, for now, it is only that: tough talk. He threatens the use of force, only as a last resort, but threaten he does and a bully is still a bully, no matter how eloquent or sincere he sounds.

McCain is a war mongering bully who is in your face, Obama, on the other hand, is a smooth talker, whose own Foreign policy positions aren't too far removed from McCain's and one has to wonder which is worse, or indeed if there really is any difference at all. (The idea of voting for the lesser of two evils, McCain being the more evil, according to Obama supporters, seems ludicrous given that both of these candidates will ultimately do the bidding of their masters and the master plan is the same for both parties. This should be quite apparent by now and if it isn't, well, by all means vote for Obama and reap your just rewards...Do you really think 'Obomba's' idea of war will be kinder and gentler than McCain's?...)




  1. Neither one is scum. These two are actually a couple of the finest candidates who ever duked it out for the presidency. Obama is, however, the better candidate for a 2008 world. McCain is stuck in the past.

  2. The glibest, slickest, most deceitful and amoral scumbag - it's traditional isn't it?

  3. Its not the democracy they wrote of in the classics that's for sure.

    tAt least Obama aint a guy calls himself a hero for napalming peasants.

    Which one scares me more the short angry one.


  4. When these bad choice candidates push you up against a wall, the right thing to do is write in Ron Paul.

  5. Great post!

    Write in Ron Paul

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