
Which section is better?

by Guest34468  |  earlier

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This section or Polls & Surveys?




  1. This section - because the P&S questions scroll through so fast you have to be quick otherwise you'll miss the Qs.

    Nearly all answers in P&S are either just a couple of words or one liners. Users use that section just to build up points.

  2. P&S. I can't wait until all the thumbs-down trolls get off this section.

  3. ♫I've got lots of b*****s in my bed, Don't turn off the projector♫

  4. I am not here often enough to give an honest opinion. But I do like P&S - it is fun.

    And why are you still up so late this time of the night? It's 3.30 in the morning. As a matter of fact, why AM I still up this time of the morning?

    EDIT: Could you please don't chagne your avatar so quickly so often? I get confused if I answered the right question.


  5. Personally, I like P&S...

    I occaisonally will wander over to the football section, by my heart will always be in P&S

  6. P&S is the best! AFL comes second lol.

  7. sweetie, I totally agree with you.  I am now being cloned coz the morons are so jealous of my status that they have to become me!  I feel so dirty!!

    I dont give a toss about the thumbs down to be honest coz it just means I have made the idiots react, but I cant stand cloning and the troll like behaviour from Chris, Lee T and Imawunda and their 50 different accounts.

    I with you Katie....back to P&S which seems like heaven compared to this sinking dirty category.

  8. Ben Cousins is like so hot isn't he?

  9. I like this section the most, but yes there are a few tossers that think they rule this section and ruin it for everyone else.

  10. i like P+S,I'm not into the footy section alot,i just wander around,but i dont want to lose you anywhere,you have friends on the footy site,dont let others deter you away.cheers :)

  11. I do prefer Polls & Surveys Katie,but I just get on here,answer the questions I like then off I go again.

    The thumbs down don't worry me cause we all know who is doing it.

    The friends on here are very close and know  whats going on.

    Just do what I do Katie,and stick with us.You'll be fine.

    We like your imput.

    Happy New Year buddy!!!!

  12. theres too many peopel on P + S

    This ones better. Why are you trying to get other people to follow you off?

  13. I don't know how I got onto the Australian site, but P&S rules in my book!

  14. AFL

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