
Which service had the larger role in taking fallujah, Army or Marines?

by Guest58677  |  earlier

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Which service had the larger role in taking fallujah, Army or Marines?




  1. I seem to remember that private government contractors had a role in stirring it up in the first place, the details of who did the most subsequent killing, I don't know.

  2. Mostly it was the Marines but they were supported by few army units.

  3. The 82nd Airborne Division was the first to push into Fallujah on a large scale.  They were replaced by 3rd CAV and 101st Abn Div.

    After, 3ID came in, took over and ruled with an iron fist quieting Fallujah down quite a bit. 3ID redeployed, so 3rd CAV was put back in control but didn't have enough assets to control the city. 82nd Abn took over again, but didn't want to bother with Fallujah anymore so they didn't.

    The Army had taken a lot of flak for how strict 3ID was running things in the city, even though it was quiet during their watch. After this, no one wanted to touch it.

    After that 1MEF took over and because of the flak the Army was taking for the media for their "tough love" there, the Corps decided to try it the squishy hearts and minds way. After the Blackwater deaths, the Marine Corps decided against their new doctrine and went in with a very large can of Whoop A$$. Augmenting them were Army forces (conventional and SOF), Air Force SOF and TACPs and Navy NSW.

    So basically, the 1st Invasion of Fallujah was all Army.

    The second one was mainly Marine Corps conventional forces with some SOF units in the mix.

    The third was more of a joint effort with the Marine Corps taking the lead, Army adding in some arty and other conventional units, Iraqi SOF and various US SOF from all services.

    Hope this helps.

  4. From most of what I've read, it sounded like the Corps played the larger role. But, that's just what I read :P

  5. is that what war has become?.....a game to keep score?

  6. The main assault force was Marines with the Army units holding areas after they were taken.  If you are talking number of troops involved the Army probably had more but the actual attack was primarily Marines.

  7. The Marines are usually the ones to lead the way in those situations. The Army is more of a patrol force as far as I have read. Now sometimes I think when you hear about the Army defeating an enemy and taking over the territory, it is the Army Rangers.

    I could be wrong but this is what I have read and heard.  

  8. I think Marines.  

  9. Marines the army came after

  10. It was the USMC!  

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