
Which service is better to get a flight slot in?

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I want to join one of the military branches and become a pilot. Which branch is better for me to get a guaranteed or close to guaranteed flight slot? either helicopter pilot or fixed wing, but not like fighter jet or anything that does insane things. just a regular plane that does not do flips or anything around that nature!

I plan on doing rotc or another program, but i am having trouble finding a good branch to join to get a flight slot.

Help please





  1. Army copter pilot....

  2. Believe it or not, the best college to go to in order to get a pilot slot is the Merchant Marine Academy in Kings Point, NY.  It is a US military academy, just like West Point (Army), Annapolis (Navy), and the USAF Academy (The Coast Guard Academy in Connecticut is the fifth US military Academy).  As I understand it, pilot slots go unfilled almost every year at Kings Point.  Remember, you can choose to take your commission in any branch of the military, not just the one who's school you went to.  Go to for more information.

  3.   If you want a job with the airlines after the service you will want to fly a crewed aircraft like the P-3 or P-8, or C-130 in the Navy, C-130 in the Marines or any of the large transport types in the Air Force. As most want the go fast fighters you stand a better chance of getting the transports and they do lead to Airline Jobs they do not look for jet fighter types or Helicopter pilots. How many copters are at you local airport, max. two pilots each, not many jobs for all those taught by the military.  

  4. ok now this is a question I should know by heart.

    -The Marine Corps offers a guaranteed flight contract to plc and ocs officers with a flight physical, 20/20 vision and passing the fast test. they fly everything from harriers to ospreys.

    -the army allows enlisted personal to do very much the same but only with rotor craft.  but the officer rotc and ocs programs can also guarantee these things.

    -navy and airforce does not guarantee such things.

    my advice go army or USMC! if you dont care what you fly or about branches an easy way to choose is this..... whats easier for you 100 push-ups with a two mile run in 13 minutes or 20 pull-ups with a 18 minute three mile.

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