
Which shaft flex should i be using?

by  |  earlier

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hi, i am buying some new irons and wondered what shaft flex i should use, i have a 6 iron demo mp-60 r300 (regular) and hit it 155 yds and quite high, should i get s300s? my driver goes abot 240,




  1. You should probably hit a 6-iron about 160-165. If you hit it too high, you should look into getting a heavier shaft, maybe a S400.

  2. regular,

  3. Truly you should just get fitted at the place you are buying your clubs , they should do it for free , there you will get a definite and correct answer , not like the wide array of answer you are going to get on Yahoo Answers.

  4. The yardage you show here looks to be about average. For the average player a regular stiffness is the right choice. A stiff flex is for more of a power hitter.

    That being said, you should still try the stiff flex and see how it performs. If you like the stiff flex better, then go for it.

  5. If you only hit the 6 iron , 155 yards and this is on an R300 shaft.. you are going to lose distance with an S300, guaranteed.  With your swing speed, you are not going to be able to load an "S" flex shaft.  You are wasting energy and leaving yards on the table.

    You should play the "weakest" & wimpiest flex that you can control.

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