
Which shorts are best for volleyball tryouts tomorrow?

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I am going to volleyball tryouts tomorrow but I don't have any spandex shorts which of these are best to wear?




  1. The third one would probably be the best. It looks the most like volleyball shorts. Good luck at tryouts!  

  2. either the second or third. I'd go 2,3,1.

  3. deff. three.

    because one is far too long, and you can really jump or hustle or move around as fast.

    2 and 3 is good.

    which ever.

    Good luck!

    My tryouts were today, till Wednesday.

  4. Number three!!  

  5. 2 and 3 look a bit short. Like if you were to bend over a little toosh might show. One looks the best to prevent that from happening. What ever is more comfortable for you is the best way to go. Make sure you can move in what ever you choose

  6. 3 is the best one. The little symbol at the bottom shows its a name brand, so it must be good. That one would be the best to wear.

    Oh and btw, i think u should start cleaning ur room (no offense).

  7. all of them are fine, but brobably in order from which i would wear would be 3 2 and then 1. so go with the third one :) im 16 and i have been playin volleyball since 7th grade. and ive made varsity all my years in high school :) plus i play in select teams. also have been offered a scholorship in volleyball :) GOOD LUCK! be sure to talk it up on the court and hustle everywhere. the coaches will see your trying your best and definitly love you! good luck!

  8. I would go with number three.  Honestly though its about how comfortable you are in what you play.  The coach is looking at your skills not your shorts!  ;)

  9. I think you should go with the third pair. They look comfy and easy to move in but not too tight or too loose. Good luck at try outs!

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