
Which should I buy, a Marshall MD or a Line 6 Spider 3 75 watt amplifier?

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Basically I have about three hundred bucks to spend. I play lead guitar. I have heard great things about both, but can only get one. The Marshall is used, and the line 6 is new. I like the line 6 because of all the effects it has loaded into it. But i dig the marshall tone, but would have to buy pedals to get the effects I want. I am basically taking a poll here and which ever has the most good things said about it, is most likely what ill get.. any opinions or recommendation is welcomed.




  1. save another 3-400 bucks and get a spider valve 212.

  2. I reckon the Spider to be honest. You get the effects, it comes new, and if you want a good overdrive tone, that's always usually just a pedal away. The Marshall is used so you can never be sure on the reliability of it, not to mention all the forking out you're going to do on the effects pedals. The logical choice from my point of view is definitely the Spider.

  3. Kinda depends what style you are into?

    I'm a straight rock guy, so i would always go with the Marshall. But Line 6 is probably the best digital alternative. The Line 6 will give lots of different sounds, whereas the Marshall will give you one or two (but they will rock).

    Someone once told me the Line 6 sounds are about 80-90% as good as other amp sounds. But you get ten times more variety.

    I've always used Marshalls for live gigs, but have used both in the studio. The Line 6 can sound awesome if the recording is mixed well in the studio.

    Hope this helps, let me know what you go with!!

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