
Which should be a Federal issue or state issue?

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which SHOULD be in your opinion be a state or federal issue?

Abortion? And how abt legalization of medical marijuana? Also same s*x marriages? And last of course immigration?

All of these issues should be state or fed issue why or why not?




  1. Abortion? Should be voted on by the American people...National vote

    And how abt legalization of medical marijuana? Should be voted on by the american people...National vote

    Also same s*x marriages? Already voted on by many states...National vote

    And last of course immigration? Federal

    All of these issues should be state or fed issue why or why not? I think the American public can make a decision as the well as the gov't...get it out of their hands

  2. Abortion is a federal issue based on the constitutin where all men are created equal.  A baby with distinct DNA is created at the time of conception and deserves rights.

    Legalization of marijuana and other drugs should be regulated by the FDA and therefore federal.

    Marriage is between a man and a woman and has been defined this way throughout all of time and should remain this way.  This isn't state or federal it's the changing of a long standing definition of a word and the courts should throw out the concept of marriage being defined incorrectly.  The law can make sure people have all sorts of rights to share assets, power of attorney, etc. though that shouldn't change the definition of marriage.

    Immigration is a federal issue because it deals with the country as a whole and protecting our boders is clearly defined as a federal role.

  3. Gads!

    Read the Tenth Amendment.

    State by state, my child, state by state.

    Not incidentally, illegals are a national threat.   Threat.   Major threat.   Thus, that is national.   The government of the US will, of course, fail to act without support from the citizens.  The government has already rejected my idea of solving the immigration problem:  

    Shock and awe.

  4. The first two should be voted on nationally.  The third already has been by state.  Immigration?  I really think this should be left in the hands of congress.  Only they really have the numbers and information to make a rational decision.   And it must be tough, since they haven't.  Actually, that decision was made a long time ago but we seem to not want that law enforced.   I really wish someone was honest enough to tell me why.

  5. I believe this should be a State issue. We let the government control things and look where it got us. Don't forget the importance of VOTING in STATE and LOCAL elections.

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