
Which should come first - closed borders or -?

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Which should come first - secure the borders so we can slow the illegal alien migration or take away the incentives we offer the illegals so they are less determined to slip into our country? OR - should we maybe be working on both at the same time. If we invite them into New York City (as Giuliani did) or give them state drivers license (as Clinton thought to be a good idea) or allow them reduced tuition into our colleges (as Huckabee did), or consider giving them amnesty (as Clinton, Obama and McCane want) how can we expect them to stop coming into our country. The wall will be too little too late. Should we not be doing both and HOW CAN WE MAKE OUR POLITICIANS UNDERSTAND THIS?




  1. Before you bail the water of the ship you have to stop up the hole.  You don't wait to stop up the hole without beginning to dewater.  Both together but stopping up the hole is more important.

  2. The idea of closing the borders as a first step seems logical. You don't start fighting a fire with the gas valve open, by the way all the presidents take an oath to secure the national defense. It's time to forget about CAFTA and secure the nation.

  3. Itis wierd how you would think that any human being alive can understand the situation and ease up a little.  You have the greatest country in the history mankind offering opportunities nowhere else seen in the world and you have a people so in awe and amazing that want to share the goodness we all have worked so hard to have.  In a world populating faster than any one country can support and then overpouring onto and into each other are those who still think that the old system will be able to handle this new reality of human growth at such a exponential rate.  The only solution is the one that is reality no matter what all the rest of the ruckus is about.

  4. As a country we must first remove the incentives, and then seal the border. It would actually be best if we did them at the same time though.

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