
Which shows better, or worse judgment, in your opinion, McCain's VP pick, or Obama's pick in churches?

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Alan Keyes 08!!





  1. How do you compare people to churches?

    Which is better "fred smith" or Church of England?

  2. Vote McCain so that the rich can get richer!

  3. LOL at the answers you're getting - not what you were hoping for I'd guess ;o)

  4. well considering that mccain's pick has a chance to be in the highest office of the land and obama's former minister will never be anywhere near the tax dollars and nuclear weapons, i'm a little more concerned about mccain's pick.

  5. Obama's pick in Churches is WAY WAY worse judgment.  This shows you what type of person he TRULY is!

    My opinion, whats wrong with Palin? I actually like her.  I think she is a strong woman that will be good for this country. Just because her daughter is pregnant, doesn't make her a bad candidate. At least she didn't encourage her daughter to kill the baby by cutting all the babies limbs off when it is half way out of the mother's body. And sucking the brains out of the baby's head.  Jolting until it is dead!  

    We are dealing with politics! The other party is always going to try to find some dirt on the other to make them look better.  But its not working in this case!

    McCain 08

  6. McCain's VP pick.  If he were to be elected and died, she could be my president.  That is scary.  But Obama's church doesn't have anything to do with me.

  7. I think your view on the Trinity Church is biased and fails to recognize the totality of what they do and say.

    Considering the Trinity Church will have no bearing whatsoever upon anything Obama does, undoubtedly, McCain's VP choice  is a  serious lapse in judgment.

  8. Obama dumped his Church.  I wonder if McCain will do the same with his VP.

  9. Well that would be the choice that could directly affect the lives of millions of people now wouldn't it?

  10. While McCain 'pick' is relevant for elections, Obama's 'pick' is irrelevant.

  11. You don't have to deal with Obama's church.

    But the whole country will have to deal with McCain's sorry choice, if he gets elected.

  12. I believe the more relevant question is that Obama's VP pick showed better judgment than McCain's VP pick.

    Let's compare apples to apples, OK?

    Now if you want to compare ministers, I seem to remember that McCain's spiritual mentor was just as bad as Obama's.

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