
Which side should i get lip pierced?? pics.?

by Guest33043  |  earlier

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I'm gonna be 18 in like 2 weeks and I've been wanting to get my bottom lip pierced for a few years now. I just cant decide which side to get it on. It's gonna be a labret, then after it heals I'll probably switch it to a ring. And please don't keep saying "OMG!! thats so ugly..why would you wanna scar your face?!" I've already made up MY mind about what happens to MY face. :]

here's some pics. of me..




  1. and your left, i think.

    nice one and good luck.

  2. OoOoOo, you're soo pretty.

    I would sayyy the right side:)

  3. omg u look so similar to my relative! only she pierced her nose. do that.

  4. wow ur really beautiful lol.(ho homo) my suggestion though would be the right just goes so perfect with your face...i had my lip pierced but on the top...the top right i just have my chin pierced...but honestly i think the bottom right side...and it hurts but not that serious....its worth it though!!!! hope this helps!!

  5. i think you should get it done on the left . It would go well with your face =P  

  6. i think it'd look better on the right side of your lip

    &you're really pretty, i fxcking LOVE your hair in the second pic !


  7. i think right would look beter on you, im not sure why,

    good luck!! :)

  8. right

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