
Which sign do you dislike the most?

by Guest56466  |  earlier

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just wondering :)




  1. Aquarius, terrible, dominant, loud, troubled, narcisistic people.

  2. I like them all in different ways. However, if I had to pick my least favorite it would have to be Aries. Too selfish and always has to be #1 at everything. It bugs me.

  3. Aries...always a horrible match for me!

  4. Leo

    They are dumb as h**l yet boastful.

  5. Well, considering we all have each of the signs in our chart, that's kinda silly.  And to ask that basically means, what part of yourself do you not like? By that I mean, if you say, Well I hate Taurus; Well, look at your chart, what house do you have Taurus on, or else what is on your second house cusp, planets therein and aspects thereto, since Taurus rules the 2nd in the natural wheel, and you will understand.

  6. Well, I'm a Taurus female, and one day I want to find out about the other planet influences. It might explain a lot.

    Turns out that there have been 3.5 Gemini women in my life that eventually proved to be very devious in a big way. (one is my mother so it kind of counts as .5 since there are mom issues that are probably also going on).

    It's bizarre how similar they have been. Starting out as "close" friends, each have in some way needed and received a lot of my support. Of course, I think the last one came to a head much quicker because I had become so wary of Gemini female "friends".

    On the other hand, there have been a number of Gemini men in my life. They have been pretty cool except that they can get into bickering with their moms but seem to be fairly easy to talk to  and be around. I've given this issue a lot of thought.

  7. Every sign has something to them that gets on my nerves.  I can't answer this question, I think I would end up naming every sign in zodiac!

  8. The one I used to like the most. Sagittarius.

  9. I usually clash with Aries and Geminis but I don't dislike anyone regardless of sign until they give me a reason to.

  10. I don't like Scorpio's or Pisces too much. Never seem to gel well with Scorpio's at all and I do usually get along with Pisces but we tend to have a lot of arguements, better than Scorpio's though.

  11. umm every sign has something beautiful and unique about them i wouldn't say i dislike any of them and even if i had a disagreement with one sign does not make it ok to dislike them, so yeah = D

  12. probably either leo or aries... leo because my whole family [except me] are leos, and it bugs the c**p outta me... aries, just cuz. lol. :D

  13. Dislike- Aquarius people. I have a few ok Aquarius friends but for the most part they irritate the h**l out of me.

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