
Which sign do you think is completly FAKE.?

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i think Virgo.

also why is it that Virgos always want to come across as Perfect by pointing out the faults in others? why do they have this NEED?




  1. That's not true...

    If someone wants to be perfect and loves perfection,and that's their nature,they can't be fake,that's the way that they were born.

    Geminis can be 2 faced,and I can consider that as being fake.

    I'm not saying all of them are,but some.


  2. Wow, that's interesting. In my experience, Virgos are the least fake.

    I don't think any sign is more prone to being phony..being fake is a deliberate choice that stems from low self esteem.

  3. you are not right.

    They are the worst critic of themselves.

    That's not a need.That's only a trait.

    They also have some plus points.

  4. go on hinking till u prove to b right

  5. Hi Kaba!

    I can't think of any Virgos that I think are fake either!  Critical yes, fake no;-)  

    Their need to critique is usually only shared with those they love so this person must love you a great deal - hahaha

    One of my very close girlfriends is Virgo and she does notice everything that is wrong with everyone else but you know what she notices it about herself too (she can't handle it if you tell her her faults but believe me she is already well aware of each and every one).

    If she mentions something "negative" about me I just give a witty remark back (not about her personally though) and we just laugh.  I love her to pieces.

    Oh and for the sign that I think is most fake I'd say none....even a "two-faced Gemini" is being real/true to his/her sign (although I don't think Gems are two-faced)!!!

    You're right we are all focused on the Virgo part!  Sorry for the tangent.  Okay....well I still say none though!! (-:


    Sun: Sadge

    Moon: Leo

    Ascendant: Gemini

  6. Hey the girl with the list. I'm an Aquarius and I am not fake. I'm pretty blunt about things.

    I think Libra and Virgo...I tend to not get along with Virgos because of that reason.

  7. Hey hey hey, back off the Virgo.  I am one and I have to say we are probably the most REALISTIC of all the signs.  We tell it like it is, even if no one likes being told the truth.  We are the masters of brutal honesty.  If you'd like to discuss this in more detail, contact me any way you want and we'll debate this.

  8. Like in order of most fakness to least fakeness i'll say...

    1. Gemeni

    2. Virgo

    3. Capricorn

    4. Libra

    5. Aquarius

    6. Taurus

    7. Scorpio

    8. Cancer

    9. Pisces

    10. Leo

    11. Aries

    12. Sagitarrius

  9. All of them, there is somethng in every sign that is in evryone

  10. Wow, you really like to channel some negative energy don't you?

    All signs can be fake that's not even a astrological trait for Virgo or any of the other signs.

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