
Which sign is most likely to get a crush on their tutor and then...?

by  |  earlier

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...think up the designs to a shrink ray, shrink the tutor down and keep them as a pet? And then do all types of *naughty* things to them? Or make them do all types of *naughty* things?




  1. Sag!

  2. that doesnt sound like a very good idea coz i guess ur underage and if u seduced ur tutor that u would get him or her in trouble.. however find out whats ur tutor star sign and get somebody from a compatabile sign to do what u want them to do to them.

  3. Does that depend on sign? it can happen to anyone.

  4. um.......what?

  5. what the h**l does this even mean...

  6. Capricorn

  7. hmm Taurus...or maybe leo they sound the best to me....i dnt no anything to do with this but they sound best!!

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